4510.0 - Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2014 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 22/07/2015   
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Between 2013 and 2014, the number of victims of assault recorded in the Northern Territory decreased by 9.3% to 7,223 victims. The victimisation rate decreased from 3,284.8 victims per 100,000 people in 2013, to 2,947.2 victims per 100,000 people in 2014.

In the Northern Territory during 2014:
  • Almost a third (32% or 2,327 victims) of assault victims were aged between 25 and 34 years;
  • Almost two out of three assault victims (63% or 4,533 victims) were female;
  • Just over half of all male victims of assault knew the offender (53% or 1,400 victims), whilst 36% of male assault victims (958 victims) identified the offender as a stranger;
  • Nearly nine in ten female victims of assault knew the offender (87% or 3,937 victims), whilst a further 9% of female assault victims (404 victims) identified the offender as a stranger;
  • Just over half (52% or 3,760 victims) of assault victims in the Northern Territory reported being assaulted at a community location; and
  • Nearly two in five (37% or 2,667 victims) assault victims reported that a weapon was used by the offender.

Between 2013 and 2014, the number of recorded victims of assault who identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander decreased by 12% to 4,783, victims, accounting for 66% of total assault victims recorded in the Northern Territory.

In the Northern Territory during 2014:
  • The assault victimisation rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people decreased to 6,620.0 victims per 100,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (compared to 7,641.6 victims per 100,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in 2013);
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females had a victimisation rate more than three times that of male Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons (10,204.7 victims per 100,000 females; compared to 3,077.3 victims per 100,000 males); and
  • The proportion of assault victims that knew the offender was higher for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander assault victims than non-Indigenous assault victims (86% or 4,123 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims, compared to 49% or 1,043 non-indigenous victims).
Graph Image for VICTIMS OF ASSAULT, Sex by Indigenous status by relationship of offender to victim, NT, 2014

Footnote(s): (a) Ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend are included with boyfriend/girlfriend in Partner (see Explanatory Notes paragraph 60). (b) Includes 'no offender identified' and 'not stated/inadequately described' (see Glossary). (c) Includes victims for whom sex was not specified.

Source(s): Recorded Crime - Victims