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Unfunded providers (Aggregate level data collection methodology):
Timeliness The ECECSC is an annual collection and in 2012 was undertaken in the week commencing 30 July. For all service providers excluding community preschools, the reference period was 30 July to 5 August 2012. For community preschools, the reference period was 23 July to 5 August 2012. Information collected within this reference fortnight was adopted for these service providers to reflect their preschool delivery model. This reference fortnight was then derived by Qld. to a one week reference period to enable comparison with other service providers across Qld. and other jurisdictions for the National ECEC Collection. Completion of the data processing and validation stages occurred in the 3 months following the collection, at which time data were delivered to the ABS. Data sourced from the ECECSC for the purposes of the National ECEC Collection are published by the ABS in Preschool Education, Australia, 2012 (cat. no 4240.0). Accuracy For the 2012 ECECSC, data were collected from service providers via an online survey tool. A limited number of services supplied information through paper-based forms that were equivalent to the on-line census. As part of the internal validation process for 2012, Qld. DETE included explanatory notes within the on-line census to assist service providers with definitions and responses. Edit checks were built into the online census, which ensured that valid data were supplied. Data supplied by service providers also underwent a range of validation and edit checks post enumeration to ensure that the information was complete, internally consistent and fell within fixed known parameters for relevant questions. During the data validation process, where information was not supplied, data were substituted from other parts of the service’s data supply. Only in certain circumstances were service providers contacted to collect missing information. An Imputation process was undertaken by Qld. DETE for non-responses by unfunded services in 2012, incorporating historical and donor methodology. No adjustment for any known or predicted undercount was undertaken. Coherence For the purposes of the National ECEC Collection, data collected through the 2012 ECECSC were not directly comparable with 2011 data as the proportions of URL data and Aggregate data were not consistent between years. The number of services taking up their funding entitlement to deliver a kindergarten program (URL data) has increased considerably and is expected to continue as Qld. progresses towards universal access. This means the number of unfunded services (Aggregate data) is continually decreasing and therefore no further legislation change to collect URL data from unfunded services has been pursued. Consequently, Qld. data are comparable at the child episode level only. In 2012 there were more service providers in scope for the Qld. collection, as a result the episode counts have increased in comparison to 2011. Care needs to be taken when interpreting episode/childe data across years from Qld. Specific data elements which were collected using methods which did not align with the ECEC National Minimum Data Set (NMDS) specifications are outlined below and should be taken into account when analysing the data collected. An analysis of the coherence of this collection with other jurisdictional collections should be undertaken on an individual basis, taking into account any data elements that are not consistent with the ECEC NMDS specifications. Deviations between the 2012 ECEC NMDS and data collected from the Early Childhood Education and Care Services Census, are outlined in table 6.4.1 and table 6.4.2. 6.4.1 DEVIATION OF COLLECTION FROM THE 2012 ECEC URL NMDS – Funded Approved Programs
6.4.2 DEVIATION OF COLLECTION FROM THE 2012 ECEC Aggregate NMDS – Unfunded Providers
Counts of Children: It is possible for a child to be concurrently enrolled in and attending two or more preschool programs and attend preschool across years. In order to address collection requirements, it is important to be able to identify accurately matched episode records for a child both within a collection cycle and between years. Children in a Preschool Program in 2012 and in the Year before Full-time Schooling:
Interpretability Qld. DETE provided a range of information to assist in the collection and reporting of data, such as explanatory notes for providers. The explanatory notes, together with printable copies of ECECSC collection forms, were available from the Qld. DETE website: Accessibility Data sourced from the ECECSC for the 2012 National ECEC Collection are published at the state and territory level in Preschool Education, Australia, 2012 (cat. no 4240.0) on the ABS website. Data from the ECECSC are also published in sector fact sheets and various other forms on the Qld. DETE website. Information Source The information contained within this repost has been sourced from Qld. DETE in consultation with the ABS. Further information is available at the Qld. DETE website