3301.0 - Births, Australia, 2017 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 11/12/2018   
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There were 20,400 births registered in Australia during 2017 (7.0% of all births) where at least one parent reported themselves as being an Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian on the birth registration form.

In 2017, the TFR for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women was 2.33 babies per woman. Births to women aged under 30 years contributed three-quarters (73.9%) of the total fertility rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in 2017, compared with less than half of the total fertility rate for all women (40.8%).

Graph Image for Age-specific fertility rates, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and all women - 2017(a)

Footnote(s): (a) Births per 1,000 women

Source(s): Births Australia

The median age of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who registered a birth in 2017 was 25.6 years, approximately six years lower than the median age of all mothers (31.3 years). For more information see the datasets Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander births and confinements, summary, by state; and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander fertility, by age, by state, from the Downloads tab.