Migration Review Tribunal Statistics
The Migration Review Tribunal is a statutory body which was established on 1 June 1999. It provides a final independent merits review of visa and visa-related decisions made by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (the Minister) or, more typically, by officers of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), acting as delegates of the Minister. The Tribunal reviews decisions made in respect of general visas (e.g. visitor, student, partner, family, business, skilled visas).
The operations of the Tribunal are governed by the Migration Act 1958 and Migration Regulations 1994. In conducting a review, the Tribunal looks at the issues and evidence afresh. Its principal objective is to ensure that the administrative decision reached in a case is the correct and preferable decision. Correct in the sense that the decision made is consistent with law and policy, and preferable in the sense that, if there is an area of discretion in making a correct decision, the decision made is the most appropriate in the circumstances. The Tribunal seeks to provide a mechanism of review that is "fair, just, economical, informal and quick".
Decisions that can be reviewed include decisions:
- to refuse to grant visas
- to cancel visas
- not to revoke the automatic cancellation of student visas
- to refuse to approve or renew approvals as business sponsors
- to cancel approvals as business sponsors
- to refuse to approve a nominated position or a nomination of a business activity
- in relation to status as an approved professional development sponsor
- to impose a security for compliance with visa conditions in connection with an application for visas, and
- to assess a score in relation to a points test.
Proceedings of the Tribunal are generally open to the public and published decisions generally identify persons involved in a case. In some cases, for example cases where a person may be at risk if identified, the Tribunal may direct that the published decision be edited into a style and format so as not to contain information which may identify the persons involved in a case.
General statistical information relating to the Tribunal's performance is also available online. Data are provided for the most recent financial year and the previous four years.
Data includes the number of cases lodged with the Migration Review Tribunal and their outcomes (decisions). There is a time period for applications which cannot be extended (e.g. persons who have had a visa cancelled must apply within 7 working days of the date they were notified by DIAC of their decision while most other applications must be lodged within 21 days).
Three statistical reports are produced annually showing the numbers of cases lodged, decisions made, and cases on hand. Each report presents the data according to the following case categories:
- Bridging refusal
- Visitor refusal
- Student refusal
- Temporary business refusal
- Permanent business refusal
- Skill linked refusal
- Partner refusal
- Family refusal
- Student cancellation
- Sponsor approval refusal
- Other
Information and data are available from the 'About the Tribunals' section of the Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal website at
www.mrt-rrt.gov.au and past Annual Reports, also available on this website
The Deputy Registrar
Principal Registry
Postal address
GPO Box 1333
Sydney NSW 2001
Ph: (02) 9276 5060
Fax: (02) 9276 5099