ABARES | Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
ANZSIC | Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification |
ANZSIC06 | Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 |
ANZSIC93 | Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 1993 |
ASNA | Australian System of National Accounts |
bcm | billion cubic metres |
BITRE | Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics |
BREE | Bureau of Resource and Energy Economics |
cat. no. | Catalogue number |
CER | Clean Energy Regulator |
EAA | Energy Account, Australia |
EAS | Economic Activity Survey |
EDR | economic demonstrated resources |
EWES | Energy, Water and Environment Survey |
GA | Geoscience Australia |
GJ | gigajoule |
Gt | gigatonne |
HFCE | household final consumption expenditure |
IGVA | Industry gross value added |
JPDA | Joint Petroleum Development Area |
kt U | Kilotonnes of Uranium |
LNG | liquefied natural gas |
LPG | liquefied petroleum gas |
MDBA | Murray-Darling Basin Authority |
Mt | megatonne |
NGERS | National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme |
NPV | net present value |
PJ | petajoule |
PSUT | Physical Supply and Use Tables |
SEEA | System of Environmental-Economic Accounting |
SEEA-E | System of Environmental-Economic Accounting - Energy |
SMVU | ABS Survey of Motor Vehicle Use |
SNA | System of National Accounts |
SNA08 | System of National Accounts 2008 |
SNA93 | System of National Accounts 1993 |