Contains estimates of average weekly ordinary time earnings and average weekly total earnings for full-time adult employees and average weekly total earnings for all employees, classified by sector and state or territory and by industry at the Australian level, for males, females and persons.
The frequency of the average weekly earnings series will change from quarterly to biannual in 2012. The May 2012 publication will be the last quarterly issue and the November 2012 publication the first produced on a biannual basis. From 2013 onwards, AWE data will be produced twice a year relating to May and November. An assessment of the feasibility of releasing seasonally adjusted and trend estimates determined that seasonal factors remain present and can be calculated on a biannual basis. However, it should be noted that calculating seasonally adjusted and trend estimates using only two points of measurements each year, rather than the four points available in a quarterly survey, will likely result in a change in the level of these series.