5232.0 - Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth, Mar 2019
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ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 27/06/2019
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A bbreviations
$m million dollars
$b billion (thousand million) dollars
ABCP asset backed commercial paper
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
APRA Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
ASNA Australian System of National Account
ASX Australian Stock Exchange
CLF committed liquidity facility
FISIM financial intermediation services indirectly measured
GDP Gross domestic product
GFC global financial crisis
GFCF gross fixed capital formation
MMF Money market funds
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PNFC private non-financial corporation
RBA Reserve Bank of Australia
RMBS residential mortgage backed securities
SDRs Special drawing rights
SESCA Standard Economic Sector Classification of Australia
SNA08 System of National Accounts 2008 version
SPV special purpose vehicle