Code | ANZSIC class name | Segment | Domain | Comments |
1320 | Leather Tanning, Fur Dressing and Leather Product Manufacturing | Both | Visual arts and crafts | Partially in-scope. Associated with crafts. |
1351 | Clothing Manufacturing | Creative | Fashion | Wholly in-scope. |
1352 | Footwear Manufacturing | Creative | Fashion | Wholly in-scope. |
1611 | Printing | Cultural | Literature and print media | Partially in-scope. Photocopying is out-of-scope. |
1612 | Printing Support Services | Creative | Literature and print media | Wholly in-scope. |
1620 | Reproduction of Recorded Media | Cultural | Other culture goods manufacturing and sales | Wholly in-scope. |
2029 | Other Ceramic Product Manufacturing | Both | Visual arts and crafts | Partially in-scope. Associated with crafts. |
2591 | Jewellery and Silverware Manufacturing | Both | Visual arts and crafts | Partially in-scope. Coin minting is out-of-scope. |
2599 | Other Manufacturing nec | Cultural | Other culture goods manufacturing and sales | Partially in-scope. Included for musical instrument manufacturing. |
3020 | Non-Residential Building Construction | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. Included for construction of cultural facilities. |
3109 | Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. Included for construction of cultural facilities. |
3712 | Clothing and Footwear Wholesaling | Creative | Fashion | Wholly in-scope. |
3732 | Jewellery and Watch Wholesaling | Both | Visual arts and crafts | Partially in-scope. Watch and clock wholesaling are out-of-scope. |
3735 | Book and Magazine Wholesaling | Cultural | Literature and print media | Wholly in-scope. |
3739 | Other Goods Wholesaling nec | Cultural | Other culture goods manufacturing and sales | Partially in-scope. Included for musical instrument and recorded media wholesaling. |
3800 | Commission-Based Wholesaling | Cultural | Other culture goods manufacturing and sales | Partially in-scope. Included for its role in reselling cultural and creative goods. |
4242 | Entertainment Media Retailing | Cultural | Other culture goods manufacturing and sales | Wholly in-scope. |
4244 | Newspaper and Book Retailing | Cultural | Literature and print media | Wholly in-scope. |
4251 | Clothing Retailing | Creative | Fashion | Wholly in-scope. |
4252 | Footwear Retailing | Creative | Fashion | Wholly in-scope. |
4253 | Watch and Jewellery Retailing | Both | Visual arts and crafts | Partially in-scope. Watch retailing is out-of-scope. |
4259 | Other Personal Accessory Retailing | Creative | Fashion | Partially in-scope. Briefcase and luggage retailing are out-of-scope. |
4273 | Antique and Used Goods Retailing | Cultural | Other culture goods manufacturing and sales | Partially in-scope. Coin and stamp dealing are out-of-scope. |
4279 | Other Store-Based Retailing nec | Cultural | Other culture goods manufacturing and sales | Partially in-scope. Included for retail art gallery operation and musical instrument retailing. |
4310 | Non-Store Retailing | Cultural | Other culture goods manufacturing and sales | Partially in-scope. Included for direct selling of books. |
4320 | Retail Commission-Based Buying and/or Selling | Cultural | Other culture goods manufacturing and sales | Partially in-scope. Included for selling and buying of books. |
4520 | Pubs, Taverns and Bars | Both | Performing arts | Partially in-scope. Included for the activity generated at venues during live entertainment performances. |
4530 | Clubs (Hospitality) | Both | Performing arts | Partially in-scope. Included for the activity generated at venues during live entertainment performances. |
5411 | Newspaper Publishing | Both | Literature and print media | Wholly in-scope. |
5412 | Magazine and Other Periodical Publishing | Both | Literature and print media | Partially in-scope. Racing forms publishing is out-of-scope. |
5413 | Book Publishing | Both | Literature and print media | Wholly in-scope. |
5419 | Other Publishing (except Software, Music and Internet) | Creative | Literature and print media | Partially in-scope. Calendar and diary publishing is out-of-scope. |
5420 | Software Publishing | Both | Broadcasting, electronic or digital media, and film | Wholly in-scope. |
5511 | Motion Picture and Video Production | Both | Broadcasting, electronic or digital media, and film | Wholly in-scope. |
5512 | Motion Picture and Video Distribution | Both | Broadcasting, electronic or digital media, and film | Wholly in-scope. |
5513 | Motion Picture Exhibition | Both | Broadcasting, electronic or digital media, and film | Wholly in-scope. |
5514 | Post-production Services and Other Motion Picture and Video Activities | Both | Broadcasting, electronic or digital media, and film | Wholly in-scope. |
5521 | Music Publishing | Both | Music composition and publishing | Wholly in-scope. |
5522 | Music and Other Sound Recording Activities | Both | Music composition and publishing | Wholly in-scope. |
5610 | Radio Broadcasting | Both | Broadcasting, electronic or digital media, and film | Wholly in-scope. |
5621 | Free-to-Air Television Broadcasting | Both | Broadcasting, electronic or digital media, and film | Wholly in-scope. |
5622 | Cable and Other Subscription Broadcasting | Both | Broadcasting, electronic or digital media, and film | Wholly in-scope. |
5700 | Internet Publishing and Broadcasting | Both | Broadcasting, electronic or digital media, and film | Wholly in-scope. |
6010 | Libraries and Archives | Both | Libraries and archives | Wholly in-scope. |
6632 | Video and Other Electronic Media Rental and Hiring | Cultural | Broadcasting, electronic or digital media, and film | Wholly in-scope. |
6639 | Other Goods and Equipment Rental and Hiring nec | Both | Other culture goods manufacturing and sales | Partially in-scope. Included for art work, video recorder and sound equipment rental. |
6921 | Architectural Services | Both | Design | Wholly in-scope. |
6924 | Other Specialised Design Services | Both | Design | Wholly in-scope. |
6940 | Advertising Services | Both | Design | Wholly in-scope. |
6962 | Management Advice and Related Consulting Services | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. Included for artist / entertainer management services. |
6991 | Professional Photographic Services | Both | Visual arts and crafts | Wholly in-scope. |
7000 | Computer System Design and Related Services | Creative | Design | Wholly in-scope. |
7211 | Employment Placement and Recruitment Services | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. Included for casting agency operation. |
7212 | Labour Supply Services | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. |
7299 | Other Administrative Services nec | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. Included for cultural event management, arts promotion and theatre and concert booking services. |
7510 | Central Government Administration | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. |
7520 | State Government Administration | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. |
7530 | Local Government Administration | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. |
8101 | Technical and Vocational Education and Training | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. |
8102 | Higher Education | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. |
8212 | Arts Education | Cultural | Supporting activities | Wholly in-scope. |
8910 | Museum Operation | Both | Museums | Wholly in-scope. |
8921 | Zoological and Botanical Gardens Operation | Cultural | Environmental heritage | Wholly in-scope. |
8922 | Nature Reserves and Conservation Parks Operation | Cultural | Environmental heritage | Wholly in-scope. |
9001 | Performing Arts Operation | Both | Performing arts | Wholly in-scope. |
9002 | Creative Artists, Musicians, Writers and Performers | Both | Performing arts | Wholly in-scope. |
9003 | Performing Arts Venue Operation | Both | Performing arts | Wholly in-scope. |
9499 | Other Repair and Maintenance nec | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. Included for jewellery and musical instrument repair. |
9551 | Business and Professional Association Services | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. |
9552 | Labour Association Services | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. |
9559 | Other Interest Group Services nec | Cultural | Supporting activities | Partially in-scope. |