2006 Census Data - Developing the picture of our nation
Since the ABS began releasing results of the 2006 Census in June this year, the ABS website has had unprecedented activity from the public accessing and using the extensive amount of free Census data. The ABS is now happy to announce that a further release of Census data has been published which allows users access to an even greater amount of free data online. The latest release includes data on topics such as:
*Journey to work
| *Education
- Level of Highest Educational Attainment
- Non-School Qualification: Field of Study
- Non-School Qualification: Level of Education
| |
- Employment Type
- Occupation
- Hours Worked
| *Usual Residence
- Place of Usual Residence Five Years Ago
- Place of Usual Residence One Year Ago
Building upon the first release of data (in June 2007), the latest additions allow researchers, government agencies, schools and the general public to obtain a much clearer statistical picture of Australia.
How to access second release data?
When looking for the latest 2006 Census results, the ABS website should be your first stop. The easy to use free online products listed below have now been updated with second release data and there is a product to suit all users of Census data:
- QuickStats - provides a summary of key Census Statistics and includes a short descriptive commentary for a selected area
- MapStats - create your own thematic map of an area of interest
- Census Tables - a quick and easy way of selecting individual Census data tables
- Community Profile Series - including Basic, Indigenous, Time Series, Expanded and Place of Enumeration Profiles - provides a comprehensive statistical picture of an area through a series of tables.
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*These are only a selected number of second release topics, for the full listing of topics visit the ABS website