Personal Safety Survey, Australia (cat. no. 4906.0)
The Personal Safety Survey (PSS) will expand on the 1996 Women's Safety Survey and will include men for the first time. The survey measures the nature and extent of violence against men and women and the effects of this violence. It also provides information on experience of physical and sexual abuse as a child and since the age of 15, harassment and on people's feelings of safety within the home and in the community.
Labour Mobility, Australia (cat. no. 6209.0)
Provides information about people aged 15 years and over who had worked at some time during the year ending February. Details of changes in jobs between employers/businesses for up to three jobs, and for those people, who have been with their employer/business for the last 12 months, the changes in their job including promotion, transfer, changes in duties or change in full-time/part-time status.
Births, Australia (cat. no. 3301.0)
Provides detailed statistics on confinements and live births - male and female births, births of Indigenous children, age and birthplace of parents, duration of marriage, previous issue of the current relationship, nuptial and exnuptial births, single and multiple births, usual residence of mother (by state or territory) and regional comparisons.