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QUALITY DECLARATION TableBuilder files are released in accordance with the conditions specified in the Statistics Determination 1983 made under section 13 of the Census and Statistics Act 1905 (CSA). This ensures that confidentiality is maintained whilst enabling micro level data to be released. More information on the confidentiality practices associated with TableBuilder can be found at the Survey Confidentiality Page. The aim of the Collection is to provide comparable state and territory statistics on early childhood education. It compiles child, teacher and service provider statistics from all service providers delivering an in-scope preschool program within Australia. The following statistical entities are in-scope for the Collection population: Data for the Collection have been compiled according to the National standards outlined in the Early Childhood Education and Care National Minimum Data Set (ECEC NMDS) in order to maximise consistency of data across the various jurisdictional collections. Exact alignment with these standards is not always feasible and care should be taken when comparisons across jurisdictions are made. In addition, some jurisdictions were not able to provide the ABS with certain data elements as specified in the ECEC NMDS. · A small level of under-coverage of the preschool programs in some sectors · Comprehensive child unit record level data not currently available for all jurisdictions, particularly for preschools in the non-government sector or operated without any government funding (including Child Care Benefit/Child Care Rebate). · Children enrolled in multiple preschool programs are not identifiable by all jurisdictions · Differences between data element collection methodologies and alignment with National data standards across jurisdictions · Potential duplication of preschool workers within and across data sources due to inability to collect comprehensive unit record level worker data. · Where information on the child’s usual place of residence was not available - that is, where insufficient address information of the child was collected or, where no address details could be provided, Statistical Area of Usual Residence and Remoteness Area in 2013 was assigned using the address of the service at which the child was enrolled. For more information on the collection methodologies and current data limitations for each state and territory, see the National Early Childhood Education and Care Collection: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2013 (cat. no. 4240.0.55.001). Further information on the ECEC NMDS is available on the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) website: <> COHERENCE Due to the differing levels of coverage, collection methodologies and alignment with the ECEC NMDS across jurisdictions, the data presented in Preschool Education, Australia, 2013 (cat. no. 4240.0) may not be directly comparable across all jurisdictions. In particular, the definition and means for subsequent capture of the complete population of three year olds attending preschool is still being developed and therefore the characteristics of this population cannot be compared between states and territories. Differences in the scope and counting rules for the Collection mean that the data presented in the TableBuilder are not strictly comparable to data published in other national or state/territory publications. The information within this product is the key source for reference when using TableBuilder. Included is information about survey objectives, methodology and design, survey content, data quality and interpretation and information about the file structure of the microdata. National Early Childhood Education and Care Collection: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2013 (cat. no. 4240.0.55.001) contains detailed information on the data sources, terminology and other technical aspects associated with the National ECEC statistics. Microdata products are available to approved users. Users wishing to access TableBuilder should read the Registration basics and How to register web pages, before applying for access through the Registration page. Users should also familiarise themselves with information available via the Microdata Entry Page.
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