Quarterly current price GVA estimates are produced using the same methodology as is used to produce the published GDP(I) estimates in Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product (cat. no. 5206.0). The quarterly indicator series used to compile quarterly current price GVA are based on a few key data sources:
Business Indicators Australia (QBIS) (cat. no. 5676.0)
QBIS is an ABS quarterly sample survey of approximately 16,000 units which provides key industry data within the private sector. The QBIS Company gross operating profits (CGOP), Unincorporated gross operating profits (UGOP) and Wages estimates are used as indicators for the Private non-financial GOS, GMI and Wages and salaries respectively for each industry represented by the survey. The survey covers most industries, however there are some exclusions including Agriculture, forestry and fishing, parts of Financial and insurance services and Public administration and safety, as well as the public sector components of industries such as Health care and social assistance and Education and training.
Government Finance Statistics, Australia (GFS) (cat. no. 5519.0.55.001)
GFS captures the financial transactions of the National, State and Local Governments of Australia and public non-financial corporations. The majority of GFS data is collected directly from a standard reporting framework by the Commonwealth and State Treasuries. However, data for some general government and public non-financial corporation units are obtained via a quarterly survey. GFS is the key data source for the public sector including public non-financial corporations GOS, public COE and the various Taxes components.
Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA)
The ABS receives data from APRA on a quarterly basis covering balance sheet and income and expenditure data of authorised deposit taking institutions (Banks, Credit Unions and Building Societies), insurance corporations (Life and General) and pension funds. This is the key data source for the Financial corporations sector and the Financial and insurance services industry.
Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES)
ABARES is a research organisation focussing on Agriculture, forestry and fishing. As part of the role of ABARES, they produce a number of statistical publications covering various aspects of this industry. This is the main data source used to produce quarterly GVA estimates for the Agriculture, forestry and fishing industry.
Labour Costs, Australia, 2010-11 (cat. no. 6348.0)
The Labour costs survey is a sample survey of employers and collects data on a number of labour cost components including employee earnings, superannuation, payroll tax, workers’ compensation and fringe benefits tax. The survey was designed to obtain information from employers about the main labour costs incurred as a consequence of employing labour. The Labour costs survey was last conducted for the 2010-11 financial year.