ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
AC | Companion of the Order of Australia |
AHS | Australian Health Survey |
ACIM | Australian Cancer Incidence and Mortality (AIHW books) |
AIHW | Australian Institute of Health and Welfare |
AIJA | Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration |
ALLS | Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey |
AM | Member of the Order of Australia |
ANZSOC | Australian National Classification of Offences
Australian and New Zealand Standard Offence Classification |
ANZSIC | Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification |
ASCED | Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations
Australian Standard Classification of Education |
AO | Officer of the Order of Australia |
APS | Australian Public Service |
APSC | Australian Public Service Commission |
AQF | Australian Qualifications Framework |
ASDR | Age-specific death rate |
ASOC | Australian Standard Offence Classification |
AST | Australian Social Trends |
ASX | Australian Stock Exchange |
Aust. | Australia |
AATSIHS | Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey |
AATSISS | Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey |
CEO | Body Mass Index
Chief Executive Officer |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CRA | Commonwealth Rent Assistance |
DBS | Disability-Adjusted Life Years
Dental Benefits Scheme |
DVD | Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
Department of Finance
Department of Health
Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Social Services
Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc |
EL | Employee Earnings and Hours Survey
Executive Level |
EOWA | Equal Opportunity for Women Agency |
ERP | Estimated Resident Population |
FaHCSIA | Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs |
FOES | Forms of Employment Survey |
FTE | Full-time Equivalent |
GCA | Graduate Careers Australia |
GSS | Global Industry Classification System
General Social Survey |
HES | Household Expenditure Survey |
ICD-10 | International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision |
K-10 | Indirect Standardised Death Rate
Kessler-10 |
KMP | Key management personnel |
LFS | Labour Force Survey |
MBS | Measures of Australia's Progress
Medicare Benefits Schedule |
MPHS | Multipurpose Household Survey |
MPS | Monthly Population Survey |
NATSIHS | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey |
NATSISS | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey |
NHMRC | National Health and Medical Research Council |
NHS | National Health Survey |
NOI | National Offence Index |
OAM | Medal of the Order of Australia |
OfW | Office for Women (PM&C) |
OMUE | Owner manager of incorporated enterprise
Owner manager of unincorporated enterprise |
PIAAC | Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies |
PM&C | Prime Minister and Cabinet |
PSS | Personal Safety Survey |
RSE | Relative Standard Error |
SDR | Standardised Death Rate |
SDAC | Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers |
SES | Survey of Employment Arrangements, Retirement and Superannuation
Senior Executive Service |
SET | Survey of Education and Training |
SEW | Survey of Education and Work |
T-RE | Survey of Income and Housing
Short message sent
Technology Rich Environment |
TUS | Time Use Survey |
VET | Vocational Education and Training |
WGEA | Workplace Gender Equality Agency |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WRTAL | Work-Related Training and Adult Learning (Survey of) |
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