1380.0.55.003 - Perspectives on Regional Australia: Household Expenditure throughout Australia, 2003-04  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 12/07/2006  First Issue
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This publication is the third in a series with a particular focus on Regional Australia. It presents a regional perspective on average weekly household expenditure on goods and services from the results of the 2003-04 ABS Household Expenditure Survey. The regional dimension is based on the Section of State structure outlined in the Australian Standard Geographical Classification, Volume 1, 2001 (ABS Cat. no. 1216.0) which enables comparisons across urban and rural areas of Australia. Household expenditure on various broad expenditure groups are presented by Section of State for New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and for Australia

This product is produced in Electronic delivery format on a Single Issue basis.
Issue Details
First Issue: 2003-04
Latest Issue: 2003-04 was released on 12/07/2006

Price: $24.00

ISBN: 0 642 48235 7