Australian manufacturing industry employed 1,063,900 persons at the end of June 2006, an increase of 7,200 (or 1.0%) compared to the end of June 2005.
Employment rose in six of the nine manufacturing industry subdivisions between June 2005 and June 2006. The industry subdivisions which experienced the greatest percentage increases in employment were Machinery and equipment manufacturing (up 2.0%, from 237,500 to 242,200), Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing (up 1.7%, from 192,400 to 195,600) and Other manufacturing (up 1.5%, from 73,600 to 74,700). Employment was reduced in Textile, clothing, footwear and leather manufacturing (down 6.6%, from 51,600 to 48,200), Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing (down 1.1%, from 103,400 to 102,400) and Printing, publishing and recorded media (down 0.7%, from 107,500 to 106,800).
At the industry group level, the five largest manufacturing industries as measured by employment at the end of June 2006 were Motor vehicle and part manufacturing (ANZSIC Group 281) (67,100 persons), Industrial machinery and equipment manufacturing (ANZSIC 286) (62,700 persons), Printing and services to printing (ANZSIC 241) (57,500 persons), Meat and meat product manufacturing (ANZSIC 211) (56,600 persons) and Fabricated metal product manufacturing (ANZSIC 276) (51,600 persons). These were also the major employing industry groups in manufacturing in 2004-05.
At the end of June 2006, employment in Australian manufacturing was 2.0% (or 20,800 persons) greater than at the end of June 2002.