In 2006, 455,028 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (indigenous) people were counted in the Census, representing an increase of 11% between the 2001 and 2006 Censuses. The census count for the total population has increased by 6% over the same period. Over the past 20 years, the census count of Indigenous people has doubled from 227,593 in 1986. This high level of growth is a result of natural increase (the excess of births over deaths) and non-demographic factors such as people identifying their Indigenous origin for the first time in the Census.
In this chapter Internet and Broadband connectivity for Indigenous people is examined. In a previous study based on 2001 Census, Daly (2005) revealed a relationship between the low levels of Internet usage by Indigenous Australians and the lower levels of income and education of the Australian Indigenous people. In this chapter, the relationship between Internet connectivity for Indigenous people and some selected socio-economic factors is examined.
Figure 30 presents the variation in Internet connectivity among non-Indigenous and Indigenous people. Internet connectivity for non-Indigenous people was almost double compared with their Indigenous counterparts. Aboriginal, Torres Straight Islanders and Both Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders had similar proportions of Internet and Broadband connectivity.
Figure 30: Internet Access by Indigenous Status (a) - August 2006

7.1. Place of enumeration
7.1.1. Indigenous Regions
Indigenous Regions comprise the highest level of the Australian Indigenous Geographic Classification (AIGC) and are largely based on the former Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) Region boundaries. In 2006, nine out of the 37 Indigenous Regions contain half of the Indigenous population of Australia. These are Sydney, Brisbane, Coffs Harbour, Perth, Townsville, Cairns, Adelaide, Tasmania and Wagga Wagga (ABS, 2007b).
The Indigenous Regions with the highest usual residence census counts of indigenous people are Sydney (41,804), Brisbane (41,369) and Coffs Harbour (40,041) all located along the eastern seaboard of Australia. This is consistent with the 2001 Census results. The Indigenous Regions with the highest proportion of Indigenous residents are outside major population centres and include the Torres Strait Indigenous Region in Queensland (83%), and the Apatula and Jabiru Indigenous Regions in Northern Territory (79% and 77% respectively) (ABS, 2007b).
Apatula recorded the lowest Internet (2%) and Broadband (1%) connectivity. Jabiru, Nhulunbuy, Katherine, Kurunnurra, Cape York and Tennant Creek all recorded any Internet connectivity less than 10%. Indigenous people in the ACT had the highest Internet (64%) and Broadband (45%) connectivity.
Table 7: Internet Access by Indigenous Persons by Place of Enumeration, Indigenous Region, August 2006 |
|  |
 |  | Any Internet | Broadband connection |  |
 |  | Person
Records | Proportion
of persons | Person
Records | Proportion
of persons |  |
 |  | no. | % | no. | % |  |
|  |
Indigenous |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Sydney | 12 221 | 55 | 8 607 | 38 |  |
 | Queanbeyan | 1 894 | 43 | 1 043 | 23 |  |
 | Bourke | 899 | 23 | 539 | 14 |  |
 | Coffs Harbour | 9 895 | 47 | 5 643 | 27 |  |
 | Tamworth | 2 338 | 32 | 1 291 | 18 |  |
 | Wagga Wagga | 3 109 | 39 | 1 718 | 21 |  |
 | Dubbo | 1 632 | 36 | 841 | 19 |  |
 | Melbourne | 4 595 | 58 | 3 229 | 41 |  |
 | Non-Metropolitan Victoria | 3 245 | 41 | 1 825 | 23 |  |
 | Brisbane | 12 259 | 56 | 8 299 | 38 |  |
 | Cairns | 2 530 | 28 | 1 488 | 17 |  |
 | Mount Isa | 658 | 20 | 407 | 13 |  |
 | Cape York | 272 | 7 | 139 | 3 |  |
 | Rockhampton | 3 020 | 41 | 1 773 | 24 |  |
 | Roma | 2 129 | 36 | 1 223 | 21 |  |
 | Torres Strait Indigenous Region | 515 | 14 | 244 | 6 |  |
 | Townsville | 3 196 | 35 | 1 908 | 21 |  |
 | Adelaide | 3 620 | 41 | 1 980 | 23 |  |
 | Ceduna | 189 | 19 | 104 | 10 |  |
 | Port Augusta | 560 | 17 | 312 | 9 |  |
 | Perth | 4 262 | 41 | 2 675 | 26 |  |
 | Broome | 361 | 21 | 214 | 12 |  |
 | Kununurra | 142 | 7 | 85 | 4 |  |
 | Narrogin | 1 236 | 31 | 671 | 17 |  |
 | South Hedland | 686 | 24 | 513 | 18 |  |
 | Derby | 421 | 18 | 194 | 8 |  |
 | Kalgoorlie | 425 | 17 | 274 | 11 |  |
 | Geraldton | 554 | 23 | 315 | 13 |  |
 | Tasmania | 5 128 | 53 | 2 614 | 27 |  |
 | Darwin | 1 933 | 39 | 1 079 | 22 |  |
 | Alice Springs | 519 | 24 | 301 | 14 |  |
 | Jabiru | 184 | 4 | 91 | 2 |  |
 | Katherine | 290 | 7 | 113 | 3 |  |
 | Apatula | 111 | 2 | 71 | 1 |  |
 | Nhulunbuy | 210 | 4 | 117 | 2 |  |
 | Tennant Creek | 160 | 9 | 114 | 6 |  |
 | ACT | 1 403 | 66 | 994 | 47 |  |
 | Other Territories - Indigenous Region not stated | 5 | 39 | 2 | 15 |  |
|  |
7.1.2. Remoteness areas
In 2006, the largest proportion of Indigenous people in Australia live in Major Cities (31%). The remaining Indigenous population is evenly distributed across Inner Regional (22%), Outer Regional (23%) and Remote/Very Remote Australia combined (24%). States with a relatively high proportion of Indigenous people living in major cities include South Australia (48% of the total state Indigenous usual residence count), Victoria (48%) and New South Wales (42%). In contrast, 81% of the Indigenous population counted in the Northern Territory live in Remote/Very Remote areas. Likewise in Western Australia, 41% of the Indigenous population live in Remote/Very Remote areas (ABS, 2007b).
Table 8 summarises the connectivity of Indigenous people according to the remoteness classification of their place of enumeration. Indigenous people living in the major cities have 54% Internet and 37% Broadband access from home. This proportion decreases with increasing remoteness. The Indigenous persons living in very remote areas recorded only 8% of any Internet and 4% of Broadband access from home.
Table 8: Internet Access by Indigenous People by Place of Enumeration - Remoteness - August 2006 |
|  |
 | Any Internet | % Any Internet | Broadband | % BB connection |  |
 | psns | % | psns | % |  |
|  |
Major Cities | 36 672 | 54 | 24 812 | 37 |  |
Inner Regional | 21 051 | 48 | 11 996 | 27 |  |
Outer Regional | 16 176 | 36 | 8 746 | 19 |  |
Remote | 3 778 | 25 | 2 187 | 15 |  |
Very Remote | 2 795 | 8 | 1 453 | 4 |  |
|  |
7.1.3. Section of State Structure
Figure 31 summarises the proportions of Internet and Broadband access by Indigenous people in urban, bounded localities and rural balance areas. Rate of connectivity is highest in the Indigenous people living in urban areas and lowest in the bounded localities.
Figure 31: Internet Access by Indigenous Persons, by Section of State Structure, August 2006

Table 9 gives a spread of connectivity in urban and localities in each state and territory for Indigenous people. Bounded localities and rural balance in the Northern Territory recorded the lowest connectivity.
Table 9: Internet Access by Indigenous People(a)(b), by Place of Enumeration - Section of State Structure - August 2006(c) |
|  |
 |  | Any Internet | Broadband connection |  |
 |  | Person
Records | Proportions
of persons | Person
Records | Proportions
of persons |  |
 |  | no. | % | no. | % |  |
|  |
Indigenous |  |  |  |  |  |
 | NSW Rural | 3 313 | 47 | 1 270 | 18 |  |
 | NSW Localities | 1 268 | 34 | 737 | 20 |  |
 | NSW Urban | 27 378 | 45 | 17 662 | 29 |  |
 | VIC Rural | 693 | 50 | 272 | 20 |  |
 | VIC Localities | 184 | 48 | 92 | 24 |  |
 | VIC Urban | 6 964 | 50 | 4 689 | 33 |  |
 | QLD Rural | 2 369 | 44 | 883 | 17 |  |
 | QLD Localities | 1 111 | 14 | 544 | 7 |  |
 | QLD Urban | 21 100 | 41 | 14 055 | 28 |  |
 | SA Rural | 438 | 24 | 119 | 6 |  |
 | SA Localities | 152 | 16 | 21 | 2 |  |
 | SA Urban | 3 776 | 37 | 2 255 | 22 |  |
 | WA Rural | 715 | 17 | 294 | 7 |  |
 | WA Localities | 462 | 11 | 207 | 5 |  |
 | WA Urban | 6 911 | 34 | 4 443 | 22 |  |
 | TAS Rural | 1 159 | 55 | 337 | 16 |  |
 | TAS Localities | 388 | 51 | 187 | 24 |  |
 | TAS Urban | 3 578 | 53 | 2 087 | 31 |  |
 | NT Rural | 386 | 6 | 174 | 3 |  |
 | NT Localities | 249 | 3 | 124 | 1 |  |
 | NT Urban | 2 774 | 24 | 1 588 | 14 |  |
 | ACT Rural | 3 | 30 | - | - |  |
 | ACT Urban | 1 400 | 66 | 994 | 47 |  |
 | Other Rural | 26 | 20 | 14 | 11 |  |
 | Other Localities | 4 | 33 | 4 | 33 |  |
 | Other Urban | 3 | 100 | - | - |  |
|  |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
(a) Includes Aboriginal, Torres Straight Island and both Aboriginal and Torres Staright Island People |
(b) Includes persons of age 15 years or more |
(c) Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. |
7.2. Income
Table 10 compares the connectivity of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people according to their weekly equivalised household income. The results show that the Indigenous people in each income group had much lower connectivity compared to those non-Indigenous people in the same income categories. Even the Indigenous people in the highest weekly income range ($2000 or more) have about 20 percentage points lower connectivity compared to their non-Indigenous counterparts in the same income range. Thus income may not be the only factor driving the lower connectivity rate for Indigenous people.
Table 10: Internet Access by Weekly Equivalised Household Income , by Indigenous Status - August 2006(a) |
|  |
 |  | Any Internet | Broadband connection |  |
 |  | Person
Records | Proportions
of persons | Person
Records | Proportions
of persons |  |
 |  | no. | % | no. | % |  |
|  |
Non-Indigenous |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Nil or Negative income | 86 572 | 63 | 62 905 | 46 |  |
 | $1-$599 | 3 733 641 | 59 | 2 240 453 | 35 |  |
 | $600-$999 | 3 210 953 | 79 | 2 118 836 | 52 |  |
 | $1000-$1999 | 2 667 082 | 87 | 1 953 255 | 64 |  |
 | $2000+ | 369 325 | 89 | 293 365 | 71 |  |
Indigenous |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Nil or Negative income | 646 | 29 | 384 | 17 |  |
 | $1-$599 | 64 568 | 31 | 37 921 | 18 |  |
 | $600-$999 | 30 841 | 63 | 19 362 | 40 |  |
 | $1000-$1999 | 15 420 | 75 | 10 340 | 50 |  |
 | $2000+ | 1 168 | 67 | 879 | 51 |  |
|  |
(a) Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. |
7.3. Labour force status
Table 11 compares the rate of connectivity for Indigenous people and non-indigenous people by their labour force status. Among the non-Indigenous people, people not in the labour force have the lowest connectivity (54% any Internet and 34% Broadband). The full-time working Indigenous people (the group with the highest connectivity for Indigenous people), have only 56% any Internet and 35% Broadband.
Table 11: Internet Access by Labour Force Status by Indigenous Status - August 2006(a) |
|  |
 |  | Any Internet | Broadband connection |  |
 |  | Person
Records | Proportions
of persons | Person
Records | Proportions
of persons |  |
 |  | no. | % | no. | % |  |
|  |
Non-Indigenous |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Employed, worked full-time | 4 232 084 | 79 | 2 858 790 | 53 |  |
 | Employed, worked part-time | 2 016 167 | 81 | 1 368 968 | 55 |  |
 | Employed, away from work | 373 289 | 76 | 247 542 | 50 |  |
 | Unemployed, looking for full-time work | 166 587 | 63 | 107 536 | 41 |  |
 | Unemployed, looking for part-time work | 126 472 | 75 | 87 247 | 51 |  |
 | Not in the labour force | 2 426 102 | 54 | 1 528 799 | 34 |  |
Indigenous |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Employed, worked full-time | 32 451 | 56 | 20 156 | 35 |  |
 | Employed, worked part-time | 17 164 | 42 | 10 475 | 25 |  |
 | Employed, away from work | 4 082 | 41 | 2 496 | 25 |  |
 | Unemployed, looking for full-time work | 4 097 | 30 | 2 484 | 18 |  |
 | Unemployed, looking for part-time work | 1 870 | 33 | 1 119 | 20 |  |
 | Not in the labour force | 26 048 | 27 | 15 597 | 16 |  |
|  |
(a) Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. |
7.4. Education
Table 12 gives a comparison of the connectivity for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people by their highest year of school completed. Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people recorded the highest rate of connectivity in the category Year 12 or equivalent. However, the rate was about 25% lower for the Indigenous people in the same category.
Table 12: Internet Access by the Highest Year of School Completed by Indigenous Status - August 2006(a) |
|  |
 |  | Any Internet | Broadband connection |  |
 |  | Person
Records | Proportions
of persons | Person
Records | Proportions
of persons |  |
 |  | no. | % | no. | % |  |
|  |
Non-Indigenous |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Year 12 or equivalent | 4 964 919 | 81 | 3 463 140 | 57 |  |
 | Year 11 or equivalent | 1 064 360 | 74 | 686 119 | 48 |  |
 | Year 10 or equivalent | 2 193 070 | 68 | 1 363 285 | 42 |  |
 | Year 9 or equivalent | 543 925 | 57 | 337 173 | 35 |  |
 | Year 8 or below | 340 289 | 36 | 197 804 | 21 |  |
 | Did not go to school | 45 836 | 41 | 30 219 | 27 |  |
Indigenous |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Year 12 or equivalent | 27 055 | 56 | 17 133 | 35 |  |
 | Year 11 or equivalent | 11 453 | 43 | 7 047 | 27 |  |
 | Year 10 or equivalent | 28 141 | 41 | 16 943 | 25 |  |
 | Year 9 or equivalent | 9 874 | 31 | 5 939 | 19 |  |
 | Year 8 or below | 5 880 | 17 | 3 343 | 10 |  |
 | Did not go to school | 512 | 11 | 272 | 6 |  |
|  |
(a) Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. |
Further to the examination of the highest year of school completed, in Table 13 the difference of the connectivity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people according to their highest level of post school education attainment is examined. As seen before in income, labour force status and the highest year of school completed, the highest level of post school education attainment also showed that rate of connectivity for Indigenous people in the same categories are lower compared to the rate of connectivity of their non-indigenous counterparts.
Table 13: Internet Access by the Highest Level of Educational Attainment, by Indigenous Status - August 2006 |
|  |
 |  | Any Internet | Broadband connection |  |
 |  | Person
Records | Proportions
of persons | Person
Records | Proportions
of persons |  |
 |  | no. | % | no. | % |  |
|  |
Non-Indigenous |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Postgraduate Degree Level | 351 051 | 92 | 258 436 | 68 |  |
 | Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate Level | 188 671 | 89 | 128 543 | 60 |  |
 | Bachelor Degree Level | 1 476 720 | 87 | 1 048 213 | 62 |  |
 | Advanced Diploma and Diploma Level | 854 500 | 83 | 575 390 | 56 |  |
 | Certificate Level | 1 731 724 | 72 | 1 086 423 | 45 |  |
Indigenous |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Postgraduate Degree Level | 873 | 84 | 562 | 54 |  |
 | Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate Level | 732 | 71 | 474 | 46 |  |
 | Bachelor Degree Level | 5 391 | 73 | 3 402 | 46 |  |
 | Advanced Diploma and Diploma Level | 4 767 | 62 | 2 921 | 38 |  |
 | Certificate Level | 16 790 | 51 | 10 118 | 31 |  |
|  |
7.5 Summary of Analysis
Results of the tables 7 to 13 indicate that Internet connectivity for Indigenous people is considerably lower compared to their non-Indigenous counterparts for most categories. The lower rate of connectivity for Indigenous people might be attributed to a range of several socio-economic factors such as income, education and labour force status. The results of regression modelling, discussed in Chapter 8, reinforce these findings.