In 2005-06, the Economic Activity Survey indicated that Australian manufacturers directly exported $49.1b worth of the goods they produced, which represents 65% of manufactured goods exports as reported in the ABS's overseas trade series. This amounted to 17% of their value of sales of goods produced and is an increase of $287m (or 1%) compared to the value for 2004-05, when the proportion was 18%. The following graph illustrates the percentage contribution of each manufacturing industry subdivision to total manufacturing exported sales of goods produced.
EXPORTED SALES OF GOODS PRODUCED, Percentage contribution by industry subdivision

Metal product manufacturing was Australia's most heavily export-oriented manufacturing industry. In 2005-06, 33% of its sales of goods produced were exported. It is worth noting that the estimates of sales of goods produced in this industry are at current prices and were substantially affected by strong price increases over the period. Businesses exporting 50% or more of sales contributed 28% of sales and service income and 25% of IVA of total
Metal product manufacturing, much higher than such businesses in any other manufacturing subdivision. In terms of the proportion of its value of sales of goods produced which were exported (3%),
Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing was the least export-oriented Australian manufacturing industry in 2005-06. This partly reflects the fact that many high-volume building materials, which comprise a substantial proportion of the output of this industry, are not internationally traded.
Of the nine manufacturing industry subdivisions, the value of exports of goods produced increased between 2004-05 and 2005-06 in five and decreased in the remaining four. Metal product manufacturing recorded the largest absolute increase, of $1.0b (or 5%), in the value of exports of manufacturing goods produced.
The largest absolute decrease in the value of goods exported in 2005-06 was recorded by Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing (down $781m, or 5%). The largest percentage fall was 7% (or $555m) recorded by Machinery and equipment manufacturing.
The proportion of goods produced and exported by Australian manufacturing businesses has been steadily falling each year since 2001-02 at the total manufacturing level. The decline has been least marked in the two largest exporting manufacturing industries: Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing and Metal product manufacturing. Only two subdivisions, Wood and paper product manufacturing and Other manufacturing, have increased their export proportions over this period.