An outline of the composition of manufacturing industry within each state and the Australian Capital Territory follows. Because of confidentiality restrictions, insufficient data are available for publication to allow this analysis for the Northern Territory.
Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing took the position as the largest manufacturing industry in New South Wales as measured by contribution to that state's manufacturing sales and service income (21%). In the previous year it ranked second behind Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing, but in 2005-06 their rankings have been reversed. In assessing the significance of this it should be noted that the pricing impacts were vastly different in the respective industries. Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing has maintained its ranking as the largest source, by far, of IVA (19%). Machinery and equipment manufacturing was the major manufacturing employer in the state and also ranked first in wages and salaries paid (both 21%).
Measured by sales and service income, businesses located in New South Wales dominated six of the nine manufacturing industry subdivisions. Their dominance was greatest in Printing, publishing and recorded media, to which they contributed 44% of national sales and service income and wages and salaries, and 40% of IVA and employment.
By all four measures presented, Machinery and equipment manufacturing was the largest manufacturing industry in Victoria, contributing 26% of its wages and salaries, 25% of manufacturing employment, 24% of sales and service income, and 23% of IVA. Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing ranked second, with Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing ranking third on all measures apart from employment.
Victoria was the largest contributor to the three manufacturing industry subdivisions in which New South Wales was not dominant in terms of sales and service income. Textile, clothing, footwear and leather manufacturing is heavily concentrated in Victoria, where 42% of the industry's sales and service income (and 42% of its IVA) was produced. Businesses located in Victoria were also the major sources of sales and service income in Machinery and equipment manufacturing and Wood and paper product manufacturing, generating 37% and 32% respectively of national sales and service income.
Although Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing was the largest source of manufacturing employment (21%) and sales and service income (24%) in Queensland, its share of IVA (19%) was second to Metal product manufacturing (25%). Metal product manufacturing also ranked first in wages and salaries (22%).
Queensland's contribution to Metal product manufacturing (21% to 23% of all four variables) exceeded its share of total manufacturing. This relative importance of Queensland to Metal product manufacturing nationally reflects, in part, the location of major smelting and refining operations in that state.
Machinery and equipment manufacturing accounted for 33% of South Australia's manufacturing employment, 28% of IVA, 35% of sales and service income and 36% of wages and salaries in 2005-06. Its share far exceeded that of Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing, the second most important manufacturing industry (with between 20% and 22% of the state totals for these variables), followed by Metal product manufacturing (between 14% and 15%).
Concentration of the Motor vehicle and part manufacturing and Electrical equipment and appliance manufacturing industries in South Australia is mainly responsible for its shares of national sales and service income (14%), wages and salaries (13%) and employment (13%) for Machinery and equipment manufacturing.
Metal product manufacturing dominated manufacturing in Western Australia, accounting for 22%, 27%, 40% and 33% respectively of employment, wages and salaries, sales and service income and IVA. On the other hand, Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing was the second largest contributor to that state's manufacturing sales and service income (21%) and IVA (17%), but ranked fourth in wages and salaries (12%) and employment at the end of June (10%). This distribution reflects, in part, the presence and capital intensity of major metal and petroleum products.
In 2005-06 Metal product manufacturing was the largest source of IVA in Tasmania (28%) and sales and service income (26%). Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing, however, was the state's major manufacturing employer (25%) and also ranked first in wages and salaries (24%).
Tasmania was the only state or territory in which Wood and paper product manufacturing ranked in the top three major manufacturing industries. It was the third largest source of manufacturing IVA (18%), sales and service income (17%), wages and salaries (16%), and employment (15%).
Similarly, Tasmania's share of national aggregates for Wood and paper product manufacturing (6% of IVA, 5% of wages and salaries and sales and service income, and 4% of employment) considerably exceeded its contribution to Australian manufacturing overall.
Printing, publishing and recorded media was the largest manufacturing industry in the ACT, accounting for 29% of sales and service income, 35% of IVA, 31% of wages and salaries, and 30% of employment. Of the subdivisions available for publication, Machinery and equipment manufacturing ranked second based on all variables presented.