Census of Population & Housing 1996 (various)
Name of Organisation
Australian Bureau of Statistics
PO Box 10
Switchboard: (02) 6252 6627
Fasimile: (02) 6252 7102
Web Site: www.abs.gov.au
Email: client.services@abs.gov.au
Products and Services
Name/Title of Product
1996 Census of Population & Housing (various catalogue numbers)
Dissemination Media
Various publications, CD Roms, floppy disks, magnetic/foreign tapes and software packages. Prices are available on application. Minimum fee of $100.00 applies to Special Data Services.
About these statistics
Ms Gill McPadden
The Manager
Client Services and Statistical Support
Telephone: (02) 6252 7867
To purchase these statistics
Please refer to Part C - ABS Services of this Directory.
Broad Description
The Census of Population and Housing is the largest statistical collection undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The census measures key social and demographic characteristics of all people in Australia and the dwelling in which they live on Census night. A wide range of products and services are available from this collection.
Purpose of Data
Census information is used to support the planning, administration, policy development & evaluation of the activities of governments, business, researchers and other users. Census data may be used by the superannuation industry for forecasting purposes.
Detailed Description
Every individual and dwelling in Australia on Census night.
Superannuation Data Items
The Census data does not include information about a person's superannuation but does cover a wide range of demographic, social, housing, family and labour force data for all persons, families and dwellings in Australia on Census night.
This basic information assists researchers to analyse and forecast future trends. Information available includes details of the Australian population by:
- age
- main source of income per person/household (including superannuation)
- labour force status (employment status)
- educational qualifications
- employment industry
5 yearly Census of Population and Housing.
Method of Collection
Data are collected and processed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Self enumerated by respondents Australia wide.
5 yearly.
First Release data is available approximately within 12 months of Census night. Second Release data is available approximately within 15 months of Census night.
Historical Data
From 1911 at varying periods. From 1961 at 5 yearly intervals.
Geographic Breakdown
Data are available for Australia, each State and Territory, Census specific areas (e.g. Postal Areas, Commonwealth & State
Electoral Divisions, and Collection Districts).
Confidentiality and Availability
Data are subject to confidentiality restrictions under the Census and Statistics Act 1905.
Unpublished Information
Customised census data are available on request. Price will vary depending on size and complexity of request.