While table 5.2 presents comparative data on household use of Broadband in 2006, in interpreting these statistics, users need to be aware of the differences in the reference period and definition of Broadband adopted by respective countries. Among OECD countries, in 2006, the uptake of Broadband Internet connections varied considerably across countries with Korea reporting the highest proportion of households with a Broadband connection (94.0%) and Turkey recording the lowest at 1.7% . The proportion of Australian households with access to a Broadband Internet connection was 28% in 2005-06. This figure has increased to 43% in 2006-07.
Table 5:1 Households with Access to a Home Computer and the Internet, Australia and selected countries - 2006 |
|  |
 | Computer (%) |  | Internet (%) |  |
|  |
Denmark | 85 | Korea(a) | 94 |  |
Iceland | 84 | Iceland | 83 |  |
Sweden | 83 | Netherlands | 80 |  |
Japan | 81 | Denmark | 79 |  |
Netherlands | 80 | Sweden | 77 |  |
Korea(b) | 80 | Switzerland | 77 |  |
Luxembourg | 77 | Luxembourg | 70 |  |
Germany | 77 | Norway | 69 |  |
Norway | 75 | Germany | 67 |  |
Australia | 73 | Finland | 65 |  |
Canada | 72 | New Zealand | 65 |  |
New Zealand | 72 | Canada(c) | 64 |  |
United Kingdom | 71 | Australia | 64 |  |
Finland | 71 | United Kingdom | 63 |  |
Switzerland | 71 | Japan | 61 |  |
Austria | 67 | United States | 55 |  |
United States | 62 | Belgium | 54 |  |
EU25 | 62 | Austria | 52 |  |
Ireland | 59 | EU25 | 51 |  |
Belgium | 58 | Ireland | 50 |  |
Spain | 57 | France | 41 |  |
France | 56 | Italy | 40 |  |
Slovak Republic | 50 | Spain | 39 |  |
Hungary | 50 | Poland | 36 |  |
Italy | 48 | Portugal | 35 |  |
Portugal | 45 | Hungary | 32 |  |
Poland | 45 | Czech Republic | 29 |  |
Czech Republic | 39 | Slovak Republic | 27 |  |
Greece | 37 | Greece | 23 |  |
Mexico | 21 | Mexico | 10 |  |
Turkey | 12 | Turkey | 8 |  |
|  |
(a) For 2000 to 2003, data included Internet access only via computer. As of 2004, Internet access through mobile phone, TV and game consoles are also included. |
(b) Previously, data for Korea were based on the Computer and Internet Use Survey conducted by the Korean National Statistical Office. Certain items of that survey are no longer collected and data are now sourced from the survey on Computer and Internet Usage conducted by the National Internet Development Agency (NIDA) of Korea. The NIDA series shows larger shares than the previous survey. |
(c) Statistics for 2001 and every other year thereafter include the territories (Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory and Nunavut). For the even years, statistics include the ten provinces only. |
Table 5.2: Households with Broadband Access, Australia and Selected Countries - 2006 |
|  |
 | Percentage of households with broadband internet access |  |
Country | % |  |
|  |
Korea(a) | 94.0 |  |
Iceland | 72.1 |  |
Netherlands | 66.2 |  |
Japan(b)(c) | 65.0 |  |
Denmark | 63.3 |  |
Norway | 57.1 |  |
Finland | 52.9 |  |
Sweden | 51.0 |  |
Canada(b)(d) | 50.1 |  |
Belgium | 48.0 |  |
Luxembourg | 44.1 |  |
United Kingdom | 43.9 |  |
Australia | 43.0 |  |
Germany | 33.5 |  |
New Zealand | 33.2 |  |
Austria | 33.1 |  |
EU25 | 31.7 |  |
France | 30.3 |  |
Spain | 29.3 |  |
Portugal | 24.0 |  |
Hungary | 22.0 |  |
Poland | 21.6 |  |
United States(e) | 19.9 |  |
Czech Republic | 16.6 |  |
Italy | 16.2 |  |
Ireland | 13.1 |  |
Slovak Republic | 11.4 |  |
Mexico(f) | 4.1 |  |
Greece | 3.8 |  |
Turkey(b) | 1.7 |  |
|  |
(a) For 2000 to 2003, data included broadband access modes such as xDSL, cable and other fixed and wireless broadband via computers. As of 2004, data also included mobile phone access. |
(b) Data relate to the 2005 reference year. |
(c) Only broadband access via a computer. |
(d) Statistics for 2001 and every other year thereafter include the territories (Nortwest Territories, Yukon Territory and Nunavut). For the even years, statistics include the ten provinces only. |
(e) Data relate to the 2003 reference year. |
(f) For 2001 and 2002, households with internet access via cable. From 2004, households with Internet access via cable, ADSL or fixed wireless. |