On the snapshot day of 22 May 2002, an estimated 1,388 people with disabilties utilised 1,669 services in Tasmania funded by the Commonwealth/State Disability Agreement. Of these services, 49.9% were utilised in the Greater Hobart-Southern Region, 26.3% in the Northern Region, and 23.8% were accessed in the Mersey-Lyell Region.
Accommodation support was the most common service, comprising 48.2% of the total services used. Community access was also prominent, contributing 40.0% to the total.
UTILISATION OF DISABILITY SERVICES, Tasmanian regions(a) - 22 May 2002 |
 | Greater Hobart-Southern | Northern | Mersey-Lyell | Tasmania |
Service type |
Accommodation support(b) | 399 | 204 | 201 | 804 |
Community support(c) | 73 | 31 | 47 | 151 |
Community access(d) | 344 | 187 | 137 | 668 |
Respite(e) | 17 | 17 | 12 | 46 |
Advocacy, information or referral | - | - | - | - |
Other support | - | - | - | - |
Total | 833 | 439 | 397 | 1,669 |
- nil or rounded to zero
(a) Refers to persons receiving a Commonwealth/State Disability Agreement funded service. Relates to the number of people who received a service on the selected snapshot day. Note that it is possible for a person to utilise more than one service on a given day.
(b) Services that provide accommodation support to people with a disability and services that provide the support needed to enable a person with a disability to remain in their existing accommodation.
(c) Services that provide the support needed for a person with a disability to live in a non-institutional setting. Support for the basic needs of living such as meal preparation, dressing, transferring etc. are included under accommodation support.
(d) Services designed to provide opportunities for people with a disability to gain and use their abilities to enjoy their full potential for social independence. These include learning and lifeskills development, recreation and holiday programs and other community access. People who use these services are usually those not at school and not employed full time.
(e) Services specifically providing a short term break for families and other voluntary care givers of people with disabilities, to assist in supporting and maintaining the primary care giving relationship, while providing a positive experience for the person with a disability.
Source: Commonwealth/State Disability Agreement Minimum Data Set collection, Department of Health and Human Services. |