8109.0 - Research and Experimental Development, Government and Private Non-Profit Organisations, Australia, 2008-09
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ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 15/07/2010
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GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE ON R&D (GOVERD) Subsequent expenditure figures and supporting commentary relate to current price terms. GOVERD and gross domestic product (GDP) At a whole of government level, GOVERD as a proportion of GDP decreased from 0.28% in 2006-07 to 0.27% in 2008-09. Over the same period, both Commonwealth government and State and territory government also showed decreases of 0.01 percentage points in their GOVERD/GDP ratios. The following table shows GOVERD/GDP ratios for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.
Type of expenditure In 2008-09, GOVERD comprised of $3,018 million in Current expenditure and $402 million in Capital expenditure. The largest component of Current expenditure and GOVERD was Labour costs, at $1,690 million (56% of Current expenditure and 49% of total GOVERD). Of all types of expenditure components, capital expenditure on Land, buildings and other structures showed the largest percentage increase (43%) from 2006-07, however it remained the lowest dollar value contributor to total GOVERD (at $163 million or 5% of total GOVERD). Source of funds As in previous years, the majority of GOVERD in 2008-09 was sourced from Own funds at $2,287 million (or 67%). The next largest source of R&D funds in 2008-09 was Other commonwealth government at $449 million (or 13% of GOVERD). The largest percentage increase (132%) from 2006-07 was reported for funds sourced from Private non-profit organisations (an increase of $51 million). In 2008-09, this source of funds was the only source to show an increase of more than one percentage point in its proportional share of GOVERD from 2006-07. Location of expenditure Location of expenditure relates to the region in which R&D activity was performed; see also Explanatory Note 27. GOVERD in Victoria ($811 million) and New Suth Wales ($780 million) accounted for almost half (47%) of total GOVERD in 2008-09. From 2006-07, New South Wales recorded the highest growth in dollar terms (up $103 million), followed by Victoria (up $65 million). Western Australia recorded the largest percentage increase from 2006-07, up 22% ($50 million). In 2008-09, GOVERD as a proportion of gross state product (GSP) remained steady from 2006-07 for New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. GOVERD/GSP ratios for all other locations show decreases from 2006-07, with the Australian Capital Territory recording the largest decrease (down 0.14 percentage points).
Type of activity The distribution of GOVERD across type of activity in 2008-09 was largely unchanged from 2006-07. As observed for 2006-07, more than half of GOVERD was directed into Applied research (56% or $1,913 million in 2008-09) and over a quarter into Strategic basic research (26% or $892 million in 2008-09). Field of research (FOR) The FORs attracting the largest amounts of GOVERD in 2008-09 were Engineering ($611 million), Agricultural and veterinary sciences ($545 million) and Medical and health sciences ($452 million). These three FORs accounted for 18%, 16% and 13% of total GOVERD, respectively. Socio-economic objective (SEO) In 2008-09, more than half (57%) of GOVERD was directed to the SEO sectors of Economic development ($1,159 million or 34%) and Environment ($794 million or 23%). At the SEO division level, a similar proportion of GOVERD (53%) was attributable to Environment ($794 million or 23%), Health ($544 million or 16%) and Defence ($486 million or 14%) in 2008-09.