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Tasmanian Key Indicators - Living Arrangements
 | Source | Tas. value | Aust. value |
2005 |  |  |  |
Crude marriage rate (per 1,000 population) | | 5.4 | 5.4 |
Crude divorce rate (per 1,000 population) | | 2.8 | 2.6 |
 |  |  |  |
At 30 Jun 2003 |  |  |  |
No. of households | | 194,200 | 7,640,200 |
Lone person households as % of total households | | 28.2% | 25.2% |
No. of families | | 135,100 | 5,532,400 |
Couple-only families as % of all families | | 39.6% | 37.7% |
No. of families with children aged 0-17 years | | 62,800 | 2,509,600 |
One parent families with children aged 0-17 years as % of all families with children aged 0-17 years | | 25.6% | 21.6% |
More Detailed Source Information
Marriages, Australia (cat. no. 3306.0.55.001)
Divorces, Australia (cat. no. 3307.0.55.001)
Family Characteristics, Australia (cat. no. 4442.0)