The real estate services industry covers businesses mainly engaged in valuing, purchasing, selling (by auction or private treaty), managing or renting real estate on behalf of other people.
At 30 June 1999 there were 109 real estate service businesses in Tasmania operating in 143 locations and employing 859 people. In 1998-99 total wage and salary expenses for businesses in the real estate industry was $24.3m, while total income was $53.7m.
 | Unit | Tasmania | Australia |
Businesses(a) | no. | 109 | 7,589 |
Locations(a) | no. | 143 | 8,661 |
Employment(a) | no. | 859 | 52,079 |
Wages and salaries | $m | 24.3 | 1,689.0 |
Total income | $m | 53.7 | 3,902.7 |
(a) At 30 June.
Source: Real Estate Services Industry, Australia, 1998-99 (Cat. no. 8663.0). |