ABS Template reference (Child URL): Column P
METeOR Technical name: Child - preschool program repeater indicator, yes/no/unknown/not stated/inadequately described code N
METeOR identifier: 436651
METeOR link: <>
METeOR definition: An indicator of whether the child was enrolled in their second or third year of a preschool program, as represented by a code.
Inclusions: All children enrolled in a preschool program.
Exclusions: Children not enrolled in a preschool program.
Underlying Concepts
Concept: Preschool program repeater.
Nominal definition: A child who is enrolled in their second (or third) year of a preschool program that is intended for children in the year before they commence full-time schooling.
Operational definition: Consistent with nominal definition.
Supporting data elements:
Conceptual issues:
- To be considered as repeating, the child must be enrolled in a preschool program intended for children in the year before they commence full-time schooling, for their second or third year.
- A child is considered to be enrolled if they have attended a preschool program for at least one hour in the reference period or were absent during the reference period due to illness or extended holiday leave but were expected to return.
Standard Jurisdictional Output Categories
Representation class: Code
Data type: Number
Format: N
Maximum character length: 1
Classification values:
1 - Yes
2 - No
3 - Unknown
Supplementary values:
9 - Not stated/inadequately described
 | Edit specifications | Edit resolution |
1. | If field is blank. | Provide a valid repeater indicator code, otherwise amend to code '9'. |
2. | If field contains text of character length is greater than 1. | Provide a valid repeater indicator code. |
3. | If indicator is not code 1, 2, 3 or 9. | Provide a valid repeater indicator code. |
Guide for Use
Counting rules:
- Repeat enrolments are to be identified at a jurisdictional level. This will enable the identification of second or third year enrolments across service providers.
Classification Definitions
CODE 1 - Yes
Record if the child is enrolled in a preschool program for their second or subsequent year (i.e. the child is repeating the preschool program intended for children in the year before they commence full-time schooling).
CODE 2 - No
Record if the child was not enrolled in a preschool program for their second or subsequent year (i.e. this is the first year the child has been enrolled in a preschool program intended for children in the year before they commence full-time schooling).
CODE 3 - Unknown
Record if it cannot be determined whether the child is enrolled in their second or third year of a preschool program intended for children in the year before they commence full-time schooling. Where the response is unknown, the ABS requests that jurisdictions identify the reason for the response and document any follow-up processes undertaken.
CODE 9 - Not stated/inadequately described
For use when it is not stated whether the child is repeating a preschool program during the reference period. Where the response is not stated or is inadequately described, the ABS requests that jurisdictions identify the reason for the response and document any follow-up processes undertaken.
Other Information
Related aggregate data elements: No related aggregate data element.