Introduction to Labour Statistics training course

Introduction to Labour Statistics is a one-day training course run in partnership between the National Statistical Training Institute and the Labour Market Statistics National Statistics Centre.
The training course suits people with or without a related academic background, providing an overview of the range of concepts and issues associated with ABS labour statistics. It also explores the data produced by both household and employer based collections, and highlights the range of data available.
The course contents includes:
- Overview of ABS labour collections
- Labour supply and labour demand
- Measures of underutilised labour
- Labour market dynamics
- Describing employment conditions
- Information about population groups (including regions and Indigenous persons)
- Earning and labour costs
- Industrial relations
- Guide to ABS data sources (including publications, spreadsheets, datacubes, standard errors, original/trend and seasonally adjusted series)
The course outcomes:
- Understanding of key labour concepts and issues
- Awareness of available ABS labour-related data and products.
Introduction to Labour Statistics training courses are generally held in each state capital each year, with courses currently scheduled in most state capitals for 2011.
For more details about this and other statistical training, or to register interest in a course, please refer to the
ABS Training page, or contact Michael Gerrity on (02) 6252 5514 or email <>.