The following table shows the number of actively trading businesses in these industries in June 2007. These counts exclude entities that had an active Australian Business Number (ABN) but did not have a goods and services tax (GST) role, and businesses with a GST role which had not returned a Business Activity Statement (BAS) for more than five quarters or had returned a BAS reporting zero dollar amounts. These figures are not comparable to Business Register Counts presented prior to the 2008 release of this publication due to this change in scope.
There were 13,110 actively trading businesses classified as being predominantly involved in architectural services, with a further 10,314 involved in advertising services, and 10,128 involved in commercial art and display services. It is not possible to separately identify other design industries.
15.1 COUNTS OF AUSTRALIAN BUSINESSES(a), Selected design industries(b) - June 2007 |
 | Architectural
services | Advertising
Services | Commercial
art and
services |
 | no. | no. | no. |
New South Wales | 4 488 | 4 083 | 3 750 |
Victoria | 3 513 | 2 739 | 2 934 |
Queensland | 2 370 | 1 878 | 1 650 |
South Australia | 612 | 558 | 717 |
Western Australia | 1 632 | 738 | 738 |
Tasmania | 225 | 147 | 153 |
Northern Territory | 84 | 54 | 45 |
Australian Capital Territory | 186 | 117 | 141 |
Total(c) | 13 110 | 10 314 | 10 128 |
(a) After accounting for entries and exits from register. |
(b) All businesses registered and active for GST and operating in one state or territory (i.e. it excludes entities with operations in more than one state or territory). |
(c) Includes businesses for which state or territory is not recorded. |
Source: ABS data available on request, Counts of Australian Businesses, Including Entries and Exits, June 2003 to June 2007. |
The majority of the design businesses actively trading in June 2007 were non-employing (55%). Of the businesses that did have employees, 94% employed less than 20 people.
15.2 COUNT OF AUSTRALIAN BUSINESSES IN SELECTED DESIGN INDUSTRIES(a), By employment size and type(b) - June 2007 |
 |  | Architectural
services | Advertising
Services | Commercial
art and
services |
 |  | no. | no. | no. |
Employment size |  |  |  |
 | 1-19 employees | 6 435 | 4 215 | 3 429 |
 | 20-199 employees | 240 | 390 | 165 |
 | 200 employees or more | 12 | 42 | 6 |
Type of employer |  |  |  |
 | Employing | 6 687 | 4 647 | 3 600 |
 | Non employing | 6 423 | 5 667 | 6 528 |
Total | 13 110 | 10 314 | 10 128 |
(a) After accounting for entries and exits from the register. |
(b) All businesses registered and active for GST purposes in only one state or territory (i.e. it excludes businesses operating in two or more states). |
Source: ABS data available on request, Counts of Australian Businesses, Including Entries and Exits, June 2003 to June 2007. |