At the completion of the linkage process, 142,697 out of the 153,455 death registrations in 2011-12 were linked to a 2011 Census record, comprising 1,884 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths, 140,037 non-Indigenous deaths and 776 deaths where Indigenous status was not stated. Overall, 10,758 death registrations remained unlinked, of which 461 were identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths (Tables 3.1 and 3.2).
Table 3.1 shows the number of records linked at each pass, and whether they were automatically assigned (above the upper cut-off) or confirmed through clerical review. Note that for all tables and analyses explored in this section, it is assumed that Indigenous status as reported in the Death Registration data is correct.
Table 3.1 - LINKAGE RESULTS, By Indigenous status and pass number
 |  | Pass 1 | Pass 2 | Pass 3 | Pass 4 | Pass 5(a) | Total |
Automatically assigned links | 1 161 | 360 | 13 | 0 | 0 | 1 534 |
Clerically reviewed record pairs | 363 | 430 | 497 | 493 | 1 738 | 3 521 |
 | Confirmed as true links | 146 | 112 | 38 | 25 | 29 | 350 |
 | Rejected as false links | 217 | 318 | 459 | 468 | 1 709 | 3 171 |
Total links | 1 307 | 472 | 51 | 25 | 29 | 1 884 |
Automatically assigned links | 106 927 | 22 853 | 851 | 31 | 0 | 130 662 |
Clerically reviewed record pairs | 11 580 | 5 588 | 6 161 | 996 | 0 | 24 325 |
 | Confirmed as true links | 4 127 | 2 659 | 2 335 | 254 | 0 | 9 375 |
 | Rejected as false links | 7 453 | 2 929 | 3 826 | 742 | 0 | 14 950 |
Total links | 111 054 | 25 512 | 3 186 | 285 | 0 | 140 037 |
Automatically assigned links | 108 678 | 23 335 | 868 | 31 | 0 | 132 912 |
Clerically reviewed record pairs | 12 022 | 6 058 | 6 714 | 1 500 | 1 738 | 28 032 |
 | Confirmed as true links | 4 307 | 2 784 | 2 384 | 281 | 29 | 9 785 |
 | Rejected as false links | 7 715 | (c)3 113 | (c)4 199 | (c)786 | 1 709 | 17 522 |
Total links | 112 985 | 26 119 | 3 252 | 312 | 29 | 142 697 |
(a) Only death registrations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were examined in Pass 5 of the linkage.
(b) Includes death registrations where the person’s Indigenous status was not stated.
(c) Contains only unique rejected pairs. As several records were reviewed more than once, numbers may not align exactly with totals.
Of all links, about 76% were automatically assigned in the first pass of the linkage. Almost 7% of all links were confirmed through clerical review. Although numerically much smaller, the proportion of linked Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths confirmed through clerical review (19% or 350) was higher than that for linked non-Indigenous deaths (7% or 9,375). This is likely due to the fact that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons have higher rates of missingness and inconsistency on key linking variables, and are more geographically mobile. For more information, refer to
National best practice guidelines for data linkage activities relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, 2012, available on the National Statistical Service website (