ABS Sources
Non ABS Sources
ABS and non-ABS sources are presented by topic and by title. The 'Sources by Topic' index presents data sources according to the standard ABS Topic Framework while the 'Sources by Title' index presents sources in alphabetic order. (A number of data sources may appear under more than one topic heading where the information from that source relates to more than one field of interest.)
Entries in the guide may be accessed via the Sources by Topic and Sources by Title links contained in the left hand panel of the 'Summary' tab above.
ABS and non-ABS sources are presented in a similar format which contains an overview of the source including its purpose, data items collected and relevance to migrant statistics, details of outputs and contact details. Guide entries also refer to further information able to be accessed and links to these where appropriate.
ABS collections contain the words 'ABS' at the end of the collection title. The collection agency for non ABS sources is identified within the body of the guide entry.
Although migrant related data items may be collected in the identified data sources they may not always be available due to issues such as sample size and confidentiality. Further information about each of the statistical sources presented in this guide may be obtained from the contact for that entry. There may be a charge for obtaining data from other organisations.
Further information about ABS migrant and ethnicity related statistics is available from the Migrant and Ethnicity theme page.
ABS entries contain the words 'ABS' at the end of the collection title.
These entries add value to existing information published by the ABS by including details about migrant related data items such as country of birth, year of arrival, proficiency in English, ethnicity etc.
Additional information relating to survey methodology, scope, publications and other outputs, and a full range of data items are available through the link to the corresponding survey entry in the Directory of Statistical Sources (DoSS).
This guide also enables users to access data through links to current outputs from these surveys.
Entries have also been sourced from Federal and State Government agencies as well as academic and private organisations. The ABS is not responsible for the accuracy of the information or the quality of statistics produced by these organisations. The inclusion of a particular source in the guide does not represent ABS endorsement of that collection or its methodology.
Additional information about each of the non-ABS statistical sources presented in this guide may be obtained from the contact for that entry. Charges may apply to obtain data from other organisations.
Where possible each non-ABS entry contains the following information:
- Who conducts / collects / holds the source
- Description of the aim(s) and purpose of the source
- Details of the source's relevance to migrant statistics
- Selection criteria for respondents
- Sample size or similar
Data Details
- Migrant related data items collected (and any classifications used)
- Other data items (by broad category and any classifications used)
Geographic Details
- Geographic location(s) covered by the data
Products / Data Availability
- Details of most recent products associated with the data and links to data custodian for further information
Contact Details
- Contact details for enquiries about the source