Publications |
4364.0 - National Health Survey: Summary of Results |
Data Cubes |
Tables 1-14, Western Australia |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 15-26, Western Australia |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 27-41, Western Australia |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 43-48, Western Australia |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 1-14, New South Wales |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 15-26, New South Wales |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 27-41, New South Wales |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 43-48, New South Wales |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 1-14, Queensland |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 15-26, Queensland |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 27-41, Queensland |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 43-48, Queensland |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 1-14, South Australia |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 15-26, South Australia |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 27-41, South Australia |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 43-48, South Australia |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 1-14, Tasmania |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 15-26, Tasmania |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 27-41, Tasmania |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 43-48, Tasmania |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 1-14, Victoria |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 15-26, Victoria |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 27-41, Victoria |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 43-48, Victoria |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 1-14, Australian Capital Territory |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 15-26, Australian Capital Territory |
Released 10/12/2002 |
Tables 27-41, Australian Capital Territory |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Tables 43-48, Australian Capital Territory |
Released 20/12/2002 |
Table 4 - Persons aged 15 years and over: Self assessed health status, by health transition by sex by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 5 - Persons: Whether had long term condition, by type of condition by sex/age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 10 - Persons with asthma - Type of action taken for asthma by sex/age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 11 - Persons with diabetes/high sugar levels: Type of action taken for diabetes/high sugar levels by sex/age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 12 - Persons aged 18 years and over: Level of psychological distress, by age/sex by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 13 - Persons aged 18 years and over: Whether used medication for mental wellbeing, by type of medication, by sex/age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 14 - Persons: Whether injury event in last 4 weeks, by type of event by sex/age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 15 - Persons: Whether took selected actions, by type of action by sex/age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 20 - Persons: Type of health professional consulted, by sex/age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 21 - Employed persons aged 15 years and over: Whether had days away from work and number of days away from work due to own illness or as carer, by sex/age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 22 - Persons aged 5 years and over: Wheterh had days out of role due to illness and number of days out of role, by sex/age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 23 - Persons aged 15 years and over: Whether has private health insurance by type of cover by sex/age, by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 25 - Persons aged 15 years and over: Whether has private health insurance by reasons insured/not insured, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 26 - Persons aged 15 years and over: Whether has health card by whether has private health insurance by age, by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 27 - Persons aged 18 years and over: Selected risk status, by sex/age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 28 - Persons aged 18 years and over: Selected risk factor combinations, by sex/age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 34 - Persons aged 18 years and over: Whether walked for exercise/whether did moderate exercise/whether did vigorous exercise, by age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 37 - Males/Females aged 18 years and over: Self-reported height, by age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 38 - Males/Females aged 18 years and over: Self-reported weight, by age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 39 - Persons aged 18 years and over: Self-assessed weight, by derived body mass index by sex/age, by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 40 - Persons aged 12 years and over: Selected dietary habits, by sex/age by remoteness indicator, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 43 - Women aged 18 years and over: Type and frequency of regular breast examinations, by age, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |
Table 44 - Women aged 18 years and over: Pap tests, hysterectomy and hormone replacement therapy, by age, Australia, 2001 |
Released 17/12/2002 |