Previously: Foreign Investment, Australia (ISSN: 0819-0925)Absorbs: 5307.0Continued by: 5302.0
Provides a complete international investment position statement, including a detailed analysis of international investment. Covers foreign investment in Australia and Australian investment abroad, including details of the level of investment, investment flows and associated income. Detailed information is provided on Australia's foreign debt. Series are classified by institutional sector and type of investment. For foreign investment in Australia, some country and industry detail are also provided. For foreign debt, further details are included on drawings and repayments, currency, and maturity structure.The final issue of this publication was the June 1997 issue. From the September quarter 1997 international investment position statistics have been included in 5302.0. This change, which integrated the international investment position and balance of payments data in one quarterly publication, coincided with the introduction into ABS statistics of new, integrated international statistical standards for these statistics. The consolidated publication generally includes the balance of payments information that is currently published, but is presented under the new standards. It also provides a complete international investment position statement, including an analysis of international investment covering details of the level of investment, investment flows and associated income. Detailed information is also provided on Australia's foreign debt.
Note: Data previously contained in this publication, but no longer included, are available on request. For further information, please telephone Canberra on 02 6252 6252. See also 5364.0 and 5365.0, which contains balance of payments and international investment position statistics up to June quarter 1997, recompiled under the new standards.
This product is produced in Printed publication format on a Quarterly basis. |
Issue Details | |
| First Issue: Sep 1976
FINAL Issue: Jun 1997 was released on 01/09/1997
Price: $18.00
36 pp
ISSN: 1037-8774 |