This publication presents details from the 2009-10 national census of private hospitals. Three categories of private hospitals are identified: Acute hospitals, Psychiatric hospitals and Free-standing day hospital facilities. Within this publication, data for acute and psychiatric hospitals are published together in the same chapter.
There are relatively few psychiatric hospitals and some of these are owned by the same parent company. To maintain the confidentiality of their data, psychiatric hospitals are combined with acute hospitals in most tables in this publication. Any differences between the data presented in this publication and the data shown in other reports on private hospital activity are due to differences in scope and coverage, relative completeness of the data sources and differing error resolution procedures.
The Private Health Establishments Collection was not conducted for the 2007-08 reference period due to ABS budgetary constraints. This represented a break in the time series for the collection.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.