Additional data, other than what is available in this publication is available in the form of data cubes on the ABS website <>. A summary of what is available is as follows and data in each table is cross-classified by state and territory.
All Prisoners 2007
19 Prisoners, age
20 Prisoners, mean and median age
21 Prisoners, country of birth
22 Prisoners, known prior adult imprisonment under sentence
Sentenced Prisoners 2007
23 Sentenced prisoners, level of court of sentence
24 Sentenced prisoners, most serious offence
25 Sentenced prisoners, aggregate sentence
26 Sentenced prisoners, mean and median aggregate sentence length
27 Sentenced prisoners, expected time to serve
28 Sentenced prisoners, mean and median expected time to serve
29 Sentenced prisoners, sentence length and most serious offence
Unsentenced Prisoners 2007
30 Unsentenced prisoners, most serious charge
31 Unsentenced prisoners, level of court of remand
32 Unsentenced prisoners, time on remand at 30 June 2007
33 Unsentenced prisoners, mean and median time on remand by level of court
Prisoners by Indigenous status 2007
34 Prisoners, Indigenous status and age
35 Prisoners, mean and median age by Indigenous status and sex
36 Prisoners, known prior adult imprisonment under sentence by Indigenous status and sex
37 Prisoners by Indigenous status and most serious offence/charge
38 Sentenced prisoners, Indigenous status and aggregate sentence
39 Sentenced prisoners, mean and median aggregate sentence length by Indigenous status and sex
40 Sentenced prisoners, Indigenous status and expected time to serve
41 Sentenced prisoners, mean and median expected time to serve by Indigenous status and sex
Periodic Detainees 2007
42 Periodic detainees, age
43 Periodic detainees, mean and median age by sex
44 Periodic detainees, most serious offence
45 Periodic detainees, aggregate sentence
Prisoners by Location 2007
46 Prisoners, prison location
47 Prisoners, security classification by sex