Labour Force Status (1)
Applicable to persons aged 15 years and over (excluding overseas visitors)
During the week prior to Census Night, 1,568,864 people in Queensland (857,914 males and 710,950 females) were employed, representing 91.8% of the labour force. Of these, 1,002,596 (63.9%) people (652,928 males and 349,668 females) were working full-time and 518,158 (33.0%) people (177,423 males and 340,735 females) were working part-time. This compares with 1,420,668 (90.4%) people (797,308 males and 623,360 females) who were employed in 1996 and 1,222,133 (88.7%) people (710,460 males and 511,673 females) in 1991.
In the 2001 Census, 140,748 people (82,943 males and 57,805 females) were unemployed, representing 8.2% of the labour force. Of these, 101,660 (72.2%) people (68,365 males and 33,295 females) were looking for full-time work and 39,088 (27.8%) people (14,578 males and 24,510 females) were looking for part-time work. In 1996, there were 151,717 (9.6%) unemployed people (92,039 males and 59,678 females) and 156,334 (11.3%) unemployed people (96,542 males and 59,792 females) in 1991.
Footnote 1: Working full-time is defined as having worked 35 hours or more in all jobs during the week prior to Census Night.
Non-School Qualification: Level of Education (2)
Applicable to persons aged 15 years and over (excluding overseas visitors)
In the 2001 Census, 70,515 (2.5%) people (35,705 males and 34,810 females) held a postgraduate degree, graduate diploma or graduate certificate. This compares with 52,315 (2.0%) people (27,523 males and 24,792 females) in 1996 and 30,494 (1.3%) people (16,938 males and 13,556 females) in 1991. In 2001, 235,113 (8.3%) people (104,590 males and 130,523 females) held a bachelor degree compared with 170,888 (6.6%) people (82,663 males and 88,225 females) in 1996 and 106,107 (4.7%) people (57,005 males and 49,102 females) in 1991.
There were 607,526 (21.5%) people (404,148 males and 203,378 females) with an advanced diploma, diploma or certificate in 2001 compared with 493,435 (19.0%) people (338,995 males and 154,440 females) in 1996 and 413,496 (18.1%) people (283,630 males and 129,866 females) in 1991. In 2001, 1,909,943 (67.7%) people (836,180 males and 1,073,763 females) did not have a qualification, did not state a qualification or stated a qualification outside of the scope of the standard classification. This compares with 1,875,582 (72.4%) people (828,105 males and 1,047,477 females) in 1996 and 1,730,876 (75.9%) people (767,647 males and 963,229 females) in 1991.
Footnote 2: This classification excludes all schooling up to year 12.
Industry of Employment (3)
Applicable to employed persons (excluding overseas visitors)
In the 2001 Census, 167,380 (10.7%) people (126,659 males and 40,721 females) were employed in the Manufacturing industry which compares with 149,272 (10.5%) people (110,592 males and (38,680 females) in 1996 and 128,977 (10.6%) people (97,095 males and 31,882 females) in 1991. There were 111,209 (7.1%) people (95,238 males and 15,971 females) employed in the Construction industry compared with 102,129 (7.2%) people (87,661 males and 14,468 females) in 1996 and 84,156 (6.9%) people (72,362 males and 11,794 females) in 1991.
There were 239,615 (15.3%) people (111,909 males and 127,706 females) employed in the Retail Trade industry, compared with 201,023 (14.1%) people (94,134 males and 106,889 females) in 1996 and 173,518 (14.2%) people (82,659 males and 90,859 females) in 1991. 153,864 (9.8%) people (81,568 males and 72,296 females) were employed in the Property and Business Services industry compared with 132,016 (9.3%) people (72,400 males and 59,616 females) in 1996 and 86,489 (7.1%) people (46,702 males and 39,787 females) in 1991.
There were 118,896 (7.6%) people (35,656 males and 83,240 females) employed in the Education industry compared with 102,271 (7.2%) people (33,788 males and 68,483 females) in 1996 and 81,949 (6.7%) people (27,425 males and 54,524 females) in 1991. There were 151,029 (9.6%) people (32,712 males and 118,317 females) employed in the Health and Community Services industry compared with 132,062 (9.3%) people (29,662 males and 102,400 females) in 1996 and 94,140 (7.7%) people (22,105 males and 72,035 females) in 1991.
See Table 1 for more detailed statistics on industry of employment for the 2001 Census.
Footnote 3: The industry classification underwent a major review following the 1991 Census. The 1991 Census data should be used as an indicator only.
Occupation (4)
Applicable to employed persons (excluding overseas visitors)
In the 2001 Census, 133,295 (8.5%) people (95,852 males and 37,443 females) were employed as Managers and Administrators which compares with 125,553 (8.8%) people (90,122 males and 35,431 females) in 1996 and 117,196 (9.6%) people (86,516 males and 30,680 females) in 1991. There were 251,273 (16.0%) people (116,618 males and 134,655 females) employed as Professionals which compares with 214,018 (15.1%) people (103,150 males and 110,868 females) in 1996 and 157,898 (12.9%) people (77,635 males and 80,263 females) in 1991.
There were 187,910 (12.0%) people (102,660 males and 85,250 females) employed as Associate Professionals which compares with 163,135 (11.5%) people (94,286 males and 68,849 females) in 1996 and 92,490 (7.6%) people (59,094 males and 33,396 females) in 1991. 200,665 (12.8%) people (178,691 males and 21,974 females) were employed as Tradespersons and Related Workers which compares with 193,765 (13.6%) people (172,616 males and 21,149 females) in 1996 and 172,050 (14.1%) people (153,362 males and 18,688 females) in 1991.
There were 265,751 (16.9%) people (73,714 males and 192,037 females) employed as Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers which compares with 231,131 (16.3%) people (68,205 males and 162,926 females) in 1996 and 142,621 (11.7%) people (46,873 males and 95,748 females) in 1991. There were 152,773 (9.7%) people (97,497 males and 55,276 females) employed as Labourers and Related Workers which compares with 139,163 (9.8%) people (85,408 males and 53,755 females) in 1996 and 130,052 (10.6%) people (79,387 males and 50,665 females) in 1991.
See Table 2 for more detailed statistics on occupation for the 2001 Census.
Footnote 4: The occupation classification underwent a major review following the 1991 Census. The 1991Census data should be used as an indicator only.
Method of Travel to Work
Applicable to employed persons (excluding overseas visitors)
On Census day, 7 August 2001, 28,966 (1.8%) people travelled to work by train only, 37,663 (2.4%) people took the bus only and 2,487 (0.2%) people took both the bus and the train. There were 1,018,482 (64.9%) people who travelled to work by car, either as the driver or as a passenger and 80,781 (5.1%) people either rode a bike or walked to work.
Table 1. Industry of Employment by Sex
Employed Persons (excluding overseas visitors)
| Males | Females | Persons |
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing | 52,646 | 23,886 | 76,532 |
Mining | 17,085 | 2,201 | 19,286 |
Manufacturing | 126,659 | 40,721 | 167,380 |
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply | 10,118 | 2,241 | 12,359 |
Construction | 95,238 | 15,971 | 111,209 |
Wholesale Trade | 55,270 | 24,448 | 79,718 |
Retail Trade | 111,909 | 127,706 | 239,615 |
Accomodation, Cafes and Restaurants | 37,644 | 50,737 | 88,381 |
Transport and Storage | 57,660 | 19,927 | 77,587 |
Communication Services | 14,720 | 8,296 | 23,016 |
Finance and Insurance | 17,784 | 26,778 | 44,562 |
Property and Business Services | 81,568 | 72,296 | 153,864 |
Government Administration and Defence | 43,459 | 31,589 | 75,048 |
Education | 35,656 | 83,240 | 118,896 |
Health and Community Services | 32,712 | 118,317 | 151,029 |
Cultural and Recreational Services | 19,560 | 17,781 | 37,341 |
Personal and Other Services | 29,506 | 28,156 | 57,662 |
Non-classifiable economic units | 4,173 | 3,279 | 7,452 |
Not Stated | 14,547 | 13,380 | 27,927 |
Total | 857,914 | 710,950 | 1,568,864 |
Table 2. Occupation by Sex
Employed Persons (excluding overseas visitors)
| Males | Females | Persons |
Managers and Administrators | 95,852 | 37,443 | 133,295 |
Professionals | 116,618 | 134,655 | 251,273 |
Associate Professionals | 102,660 | 85,250 | 187,910 |
Tradespersons and Related Workers | 178,691 | 21,974 | 200,665 |
Advanced Clerical and Service Workers | 5,952 | 48,725 | 54,677 |
Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers | 73,714 | 192,037 | 265,751 |
Intermediate Production and Transport Workers | 116,727 | 16,975 | 133,702 |
Elementary Clerical, Sales and Service Workers | 52,533 | 105,689 | 158,222 |
Labourers and Related Workers | 97,497 | 55,276 | 152,773 |
Inadequately Described | 7,557 | 3,828 | 11,385 |
Not Stated | 10,113 | 9,098 | 19,211 |
Total | 857,914 | 710,950 | 1,568,864 |
General Footnotes:
Results may vary from 1996 and 1991 published material due to methodological and classification changes.
For further information about variables included in this publication, please refer to the 2001 Census Dictionary.