Source: Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
The financial year to which the data refers.
The financial quarter of the referenced year to which the data refers.
The month of referenced year to which the data refers.
Port aligned
Grouping of Australian ports into 21 of the major ports.
Discharge Port Code
The universal abbreviation of the names of Australia's seaports.
The full name of each of Australia's seaports e.g. Melbourne.
Estimated Arrival Date
The estimated date that a vessel is expected to arrive at an Australian port.
The size of the sea container (either 20 or 40 foot) as reported on the Sea Cargo Report in the Customs Integrated Cargo System. Where a container length is not reported (e.g., 0000) the statistical mode for that container number is first attempted. Where this is not successful, the BITRE factor is used for remaining sea containers not having a reported size.
Importer ABN
Australian Business Number of the importer.
Customs client identification code of the importer.
Cargo Type
This will be one of the following:
FCL - Full Container Load
Containers where all the contents are consigned to one entity. There is only one consignment in the container.
FCX - Full Container multiple house bills
Sea cargo containers where a container has all the contents consigned to one entity in Australia, and where there are two or more consignments within the container.
LCL - Less than Container Load
A consignment that does not occupy the full space available in a container. The consignment has been consolidated, that is, packed into a single container, with one or multiple other LCL consignments. These consignments must have at least two different consignees in Australia, that is, the container holds the goods of more than one consignee.
Source Document Type (this indicates what type(s) of source document(s) have been reported for the cargo). The valid entries include:
- ID - Import Declaration
- SCR - sea cargo report
- CL - sea cargo list
- PDR - progressive discharge report
- UBSEA - underbond movement request
- SCO - sea outturn report
Delivery Postcode
The postcode provided on the Import Declaration for the Australian address for the delivery of the goods.
Tariff Classification Number
The eight-digit tariff classification applicable to the goods being entered, as specified in Schedule 3 of the Australian Customs Tariff. This field is always tied to a Statistical Code field. The Statistical Code is the 2-digit number that identifies the goods against the classification, which provides more specific detail for the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
The number of containers delivered to an individual postcode where the month, port of discharge, description, container size, cargo type and source document are the same. In the case of an FCX or LCL, this can be a fraction of a sea container.
Standard unit for counting containers of various capacities and for describing the capacities of container ships or terminals. One 20 foot ISO container equals 1 TEU. One 40 foot ISO container equals two TEU.
Source: Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
REFR - Refrigerated
A container which is used to transport refrigerated cargo.
TANK - Tank
A type of vessel used to transport liquid cargo.
MAFI - Mafi
A type of wheeled trailer onto which cargo is strapped for transport on a vessel.
OTOP - Open Top
A container with no hard top, used to transport cargo that would not normally fit inside a conventional container.
FRAK - Flat Rack
Cargo secured onto a flat base, for ease of loading and discharge.
GENV - General Purpose (Vented)
A ventilated container used to transport cargo
GENN - General Purpose (Non-Vented)
A non-ventilated container used to transport cargo.