The security services industry is defined as all businesses mainly engaged in providing security, protection and private enquiry services. It excludes police services and businesses mainly providing locksmith services, alarm installing, or manufacturing and wholesaling of alarms.
At the end of June 1999 there were 39 businesses in the security services industry in Tasmania operating from 45 locations. Total employment in the industry at 30 June was 444 persons. In 1998-99 total wages and salaries paid in the security services industry totalled $9.9m, while total income of businesses was $24.4m.
 | Unit | Tasmania | Australia |
Businesses(a) | no. | 39 | 1,714 |
Locations(a) | no. | 45 | 1,984 |
Employment(a) | no. | 444 | 31,752 |
Wages and salaries | $m | 9.9 | 698.6 |
Total income | $m | 24.4 | 1,394.8 |
(a) At 30 June.
Source: Security Services, Australia, 1998-99 (Cat. no. 8557.0). |