8155.0 - Australian Industry, 2014-15 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 27/05/2016   
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The estimates in this release cover the performance of selected industries compiled from the annual Economic Activity Survey (EAS) and from Business Activity Statement (BAS) data reported to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) based on current prices and on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 edition (cat. no. 1292.0). Estimates of employment are at end June. For more information on the scope and coverage of the collection for Australian Industry, 2014-15, please refer to paragraphs 6-21 of the Explanatory Notes. Time series data are provided from 2006-07 for consistency as survey data have been collected on an ANZSIC 2006 basis from 2006-07.


The following graph shows each industry (referred to by its ANZSIC Division) and its contribution to key data items in 2006-07 and 2014-15 for comparison over time. Although for most industries most indicators have increased over this period, the relative contribution of industries has changed. For example, Division C Manufacturing had the second largest employment after Retail trade in 2006-07 but by 2014-15 had dropped to sixth largest overall.

Graph Image for Key data by ANZSIC Division, 2006-07 and 2014-15

Footnote(s): (a) Includes working proprietors and partners of unincorporated businesses.;(b) Includes capitalised wages and salaries; excludes the drawings of working proprietors.;(c) Includes rent, leasing and hiring income.

Source(s): Australian Industry (cat. no. 8155.0)


The following graphs show annual time series from 2006-07 to 2014-15 for ANZSIC Divisions A to J for key data items.

Graph Image for Income and Expenses, ANZSIC Divisions A to J

Footnote(s): (a) Includes rent, leasing and hiring income. (b) Includes capitalised wages and salaries; excludes the drawings of working proprietors.

Source(s): Australian Industry (cat. no. 8155.0)

Graph Image for OPBT, EBITDA and IVA, ANZSIC Divisions A to J

Graph Image for Employment, ANZSIC Divisions A to J

Footnote(s): (a) Includes working proprietors and partners of unincorporated businesses.

Source(s): Australian Industry (cat. no. 8155.0)

Division A Agriculture, forestry and fishing

The Agriculture, forestry and fishing industry showed strong growth across most key data items, with sales and service income and IVA increasing by 10.7% ($8.3b) and 15.2% ($4.1b) respectively driven by strong export demand for beef and other meat products.

Division B Mining

The Mining industry contracted across most key indicators in 2014-15. Industry value added decreased $9.4b to $118.3b in 2014-15, with the largest decrease in the Metal ore mining subdivision (12.9% or $9b) due to decreases in commodity prices.

For more detailed financial and performance information on the Mining industry please refer to Mining Operations, Australia (cat. no. 8415.0).

Division C Manufacturing

Overall the Manufacturing industry decreased across most key data items, including wages and salaries, employment, sales and services income, total income and total expenses. However due to the diversity of the Manufacturing industry, the overall movements tended to obscure the difference in performance between the various Manufacturing subdivisions. The largest decrease in sales and service income was in Petroleum and coal product manufacturing, with a fall of $8.2b in 2014-15. The largest percentage decrease in IVA was in Transport equipment manufacturing (a decrease of 6.2% or $498m). In contrast, Food product manufacturing, the largest subdivision in Manufacturing, reported an increase in both sales and service income and IVA. Sales and service income increased 5.7% to $86.1b, and IVA increased 2.7% to $19.1b in 2014-15.

For finer level information on the Manufacturing industry please refer to the 'Manufacturing industry' datacube on the Downloads page.

Division D Electricity, gas, water and waste services

Electricity, gas, water and waste services industry was flat with slight IVA, growth of 0.6% ($283m).

Division E Construction

There was positive growth in the Construction industry with sales and service income increasing by 7.4% ($26.3b) and IVA growing by 7.6% ($8.2b). This was driven by the Building construction subdivision with growth of 8.5% ($10.6b) in sales and service income as a result of residential building activity. This growth has been offset by a reduction in the Heavy and civil engineering construction subdivision, which had decreases across most key data items including employment, sales and service income and IVA. Employment in the Heavy and civil engineering construction subdivision contracted by 13.8% (22,000 people) and wages and salaries contracted by 8.9% ($1.6b), which contributed to the total decline in wages and salaries of 0.8% ($484m) and employment of 2% (21,000 people) in the Construction industry as a whole.

Division F Wholesale trade

The Wholesale trade industry represents a diverse range of activities with overall sales and service income increasing by 1.0% ($4.8b). This was driven by Grocery, liquor and tobacco product wholesaling (10.2%) and Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts wholesaling (8%) which were partially offset by a decrease in Basic material wholesaling of 8.8% ($15.9b).

Division G Retail trade

The Retail trade industry had slight growth across most key indicators, with sales and service income and IVA both increasing by 1.4% ($5.4b and $987m respectively). The Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts retailing subdivision drove the growth in sales and service income, growing by 15% ($9.2b).

Division H Accommodation and food services

Most key data items for the Accommodation and food services industry showed moderate growth, including employment with growth of 5.4% (49,000 people) and IVA with growth of 4.2% ($1.5b) with major events and lower currency, supporting the industry. The Accommodation subdivision drove the growth in IVA, increasing by 15.7% ($1.2b).

Division I Transport, postal and warehousing

The Transport, postal and warehousing industry had moderate growth across most indicators with sales and service income increasing by 2.8% ($4.2b) and IVA increasing by 5.1% ($3.4b). Due to the diversity of the Transport, postal and warehousing industry there is no one trend or subdivision that captures the movements in the key data items. Growth in IVA was driven by the Air and space transport subdivision with IVA increasing by 27.2% ($1.7b), while growth in sales and service income was driven by the Road transport and Transport support services subdivisions increasing by 3.9% ($2.0b) and 4.1% ($1.5b) respectively.

Division J Information media and telecommunications

The Information media and telecommunications industry had slight to moderate growth across most key data items including sales and service income, growing by 4.1% ($3.0b) to $75.9b. IVA showed slight growth of 1.4% ($524m). Growth in sales and service income was shown across most subdivisions with only the Publishing (except internet and music publishing) and Broadcasting (except internet) subdivisions showing declines of 3.7% ($360m) and 3.1% ($301m) respectively.


The following graphs show annual time series from 2006-07 to 2014-15 for ANZSIC Divisions L to S for key data items.

Graph Image for Income and Expenses, ANZSIC Divisions L to S

Footnote(s): (a) Includes rent, leasing and hiring income. (b) Includes capitalised wages and salaries; excludes the drawings of working proprietors.

Source(s): Australian Industry (cat. no. 8155.0)

Graph Image for OPBT, EBITDA and IVA, ANZSIC Divisions L to S

Footnote(s): (a) OPBT for Divisions O and P is not available for publication for 2007-08 and 2009-10 but has been included in totals where applicable.

Source(s): Australian Industry (cat. no. 8155.0)

Graph Image for Employment, ANZSIC Divisions L to S

Footnote(s): (a) Includes working proprietors and partners of unincorporated businesses.

Source(s): Australian Industry (cat. no. 8155.0)

Division L Rental, hiring and real estate services

The Rental, hiring and real estate services industry had positive growth across key indicators. Sales and service income increased by 9.5% ($10.5b) and IVA increased by 7.4% ($4.9b). This growth was driven by the Property operators and real estate services subdivision, with sales and service income increasing by 12.6% to $95.8b.

Division M Professional, scientific and technical services

The Professional, scientific and technical services industry showed slight to moderate growth across most key indicators, with sales and service income increasing by 2.9% ($5.5b). The businesses in this industry provide a wide range of services to the rest of the economy, including information technology, engineering, accounting, legal and consulting firms.

Division N Administrative and Support Services

The Administrative and support services industry had positive growth across most key data items, with sales and service income and IVA growing by 5.0% ($3.7b) and 6.1% ($3.1b) respectively. This growth was dominated by increases in the largest subdivision within the industry, Administrative services which includes employment services and back office activities.

Division O Public administration and safety (private)

Subdivision 77 Public order, safety and regulatory services remained flat. Most key data items had a slight increase, with sales and service income growing by 1.9% ($187m). However IVA in contrast fell by 2.1% ($117m).

Division P Education and training (private)

The Education and training (private) sector showed positive growth across key indicators, with IVA growing by 8.3% ($2.0b). This was shown across all the subdivisions, with Preschool and school education (private) subdivision showing the largest growth in IVA of 4.9% ($795m).

Division Q Health care and social assistance (private)

The Health Care and social assistance (private) sector showed strong increases across all indicators between 2013-14 and 2014-15. IVA, sales and service income and wages and salaries all showed strong growth of 12.8% ($8.7b), 13.8% ($10.2b) and 10.3% ($4.3b) respectively, while employment showed moderate growth of 5.0% (51,000 people). This industry has seen strong demand for its products and services from Australia's ageing population in recent years. The Medical and other health care services subdivision is the the largest within the (private) industry and accounted for most of the growth in sales and service income, IVA and employment in 2014-15.

Division R Arts and recreation services

The Arts and recreation services industry showed moderate growth across key indicators, with IVA increasing by 2.9% ($342m).The Gambling activities subdivision had moderate growth across most key indicators with sales and service income increasing by 4.4% ($561m).

For more information relating to Division R Arts and recreation services including more specific information on subdivisions please refer to the feature article Arts and recreation services in this release.

Division S Other services

The Other Services industry showed declines across some key indicators including employment, wages and salaries and IVA, with IVA decreasing by 3.4% ($1.0b). Other Services include repair and maintenance as well as personal services such as hairdressers and laundry and dry-cleaning.