3218.0 - Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2007-08 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 23/04/2009   
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Nature of changes involving population only
Approximate change in ERP
at 30 June 2008

New South Wales
Albury (C) Lost to Greater Hume Shire (A) - Pt A
Greater Hume Shire (A) - Pt A Gained from Albury (C)
Lithgow (C) Lost to Mid-Western Regional (A) - Pt B
Mid-Western Regional (A) - Pt B Gained from Lithgow (C)
Moonee Valley (C) - Essendon Lost to Melbourne (C) - Remainder
-5 712
Melbourne (C) - Remainder Gained from Moonee Valley (C) - Essendon
5 712
Beaudesert (S) - Pt A Abolished. Included in Jimboomba-Logan Village and Scenic Rim (R) - Tamborine-Canungra
-44 674
Beaudesert (S) - Pt B Abolished. Included in Scenic Rim (R) - Tamborine-Canungra
-10 931
Beaudesert (S) - Pt C Abolished. Included in Scenic Rim (R) - Beaudesert and Jimboomba-Logan Village
-12 569
Jimboomba-Logan Village Created from parts of Beaudesert (S) - Pt A and Beaudesert (S) - Pt C
42 821
Scenic Rim (R) - Beaudesert Created from part of Beaudesert (S) - Pt C
12 133
Scenic Rim (R) - Tamborine-Canungra Created from all of Beaudesert (S) - Pt B and part of Beaudesert (S) - Pt A
13 220
Boonah (S) Abolished. Included in Scenic Rim (R) - Boonah
-9 495
Ipswich (C) - South-West Lost to Scenic Rim (R) - Boonah
-1 321
Scenic Rim (R) - Boonah Created from all of Boonah (S) and part of Ipswich (C)-South-West
10 816
Taroom (S) Abolished. Included in Banana (S) and Dalby (R) - Murilla-Wandoan
-2 442
Murilla (S) Abolished. Included in Dalby (R) - Murilla-Wandoan
-2 913
Banana (S) Gained from Taroom (S)
1 247
Dalby (R) - Murilla-Wandoan Created from all of Murilla (S) and part of Taroom (S)
4 108
Cooloola (S) (excl. Gympie) Abolished. Included in Gympie (R) - Cooloola
-21 530
Tiaro (S) Abolished. Included in Fraser Coast (R) - Woocoo-Tiaro and Gympie (R) - Cooloola
-5 859
Woocoo (S) Abolished. Included in Fraser Coast (R) - Woocoo-Tiaro
-3 939
Gympie (R) - Cooloola Created from part of Tiaro (S) and all of Cooloola (S) (excl. Gympie)
23 979
Fraser Coast (R) - Woocoo-Tiaro Created from part of Tiaro (S) and all of Woocoo (S)
7 349
Western Australia
Broomehill (S) Abolished. Included in Broomehill-Tambellup (S)
Tambellup (S) Abolished. Included in Broomehill-Tambellup (S)
Broomehill-Tambellup (S) Created from all of Broomehill (S) and Tambellup (S)
1 214
Hobart (C) - Remainder Lost to Hobart (C) - Inner
Hobart (C) - Inner Gained from Hobart (C) - Remainder
Northern Territory
Angurugu (CGC) Abolished. Included in East Arnhem (S)
Cox-Finniss Abolished. Included in Finniss-Mary
East Arnhem - Bal Abolished. Included in East Arnhem (S) and West Arnhem (S) Bal
-7 758
Groote Eylandt Abolished. Included in Alyangula and East Arnhem (S)
-1 837
Kunbarllanjnja (CGC) Abolished. Included in West Arnhem (S) Bal
Marngarr (CGC) Abolished. Included in East Arnhem (S)
South Alligator Abolished. Included in Finniss-Mary and West Arnhem (S) Bal
West Arnhem Abolished. Included in West Arnhem (S) Bal
-4 025
Alyangula Created from part of Groote Eylandt
1 157
East Arnhem (S) Created from all of Angurugu (CGC), Marngarr (CGC) and East Arnhem - Bal and part of Groote Eylandt
9 653
Finniss-Mary Created from all of Cox-Finniss and parts of Daly and South Alligator
1 017
West Arnhem (S) Bal Created from all of Kunbarllanjnja (CGC) and West Arnhem and parts of South Alligator and East Arnhem - Bal
5 357
Binjari (CGC) Abolished. Included in Katherine (T)
Borroloola (CGC) Abolished. Included in Roper Gulf (S)
-1 003
Daguragu (CGC) Abolished. Included in Victoria-Daly (S) Bal
Daly Abolished. Included in Finniss-Mary and Victoria-Daly (S) Bal
-1 287
Elsey Abolished. Included in Katherine (T), Roper Gulf (S) and Victoria-Daly (S) Bal
Gulf Abolished. Included in Roper Gulf (S)
Jilkminggan (CGC) Abolished. Included in Roper Gulf (S)
Mataranka (CGC) Abolished. Included in Roper Gulf (S)
Nauiyu Nambiyu (CGC) Abolished. Included in Victoria-Daly (S) Bal
Numbulwar Numburindi (CGC) Abolished. Included in Roper Gulf (S)
Nyirranggulung Mardrulk Ngadberre (CGC) Abolished. Included in Roper Gulf (S)
-1 205
Pine Creek (CGC) Abolished. Included in Victoria-Daly (S) Bal
Timber Creek (CGC) Abolished. Included in Victoria-Daly (S) Bal
Victoria Abolished. Included in Victoria-Daly (S) Bal and Central Desert (S)
Walangeri Ngumpinku (CGC) Abolished. Included in Victoria-Daly (S) Bal
Yugul Mangi (CGC) Abolished. Included in Roper Gulf (S)
-1 912
Katherine (T) Gained from Binjari (CGC) and Elsey
Roper Gulf (S) Created from all of Borroloola (CGC), Jilkminggan (CGC), Mataranka (CGC), Numbulwar Numburindi (CGC), Nyirranggulung Mardrulk Ngadberre (CGC), Yugul Mangi (CGC) and Gulf and part of Elsey
6 718
Victoria-Daly (S) Bal Created from all of Nauiyu Nambiyu (CGC), Pine Creek (CGC), Timber Creek (CGC), Walangeri Ngumpinku (CGC) and Daguragu (CGC) and parts of Daly, Elsey and Victoria
4 377
Alpurrurulam (CGC) Abolished. Included in Barkly (S) Bal
Anmatjere (CGC) Abolished. Included in Central Desert (S)
-1 154
Arltarlpilta (CGC) Abolished. Included in Central Desert (S)
Elliott District (CGC) Abolished. Included in Barkly (S) Bal
Hanson Abolished. Included in Barkly (S) Bal and Central Desert (S)
Lajamanu (CGC) Abolished. Included in Central Desert (S)
Ltyentye Purte (CGC) Abolished. Included in MacDonnell (S)
Petermann-Simpson Abolished. Included in MacDonnell (S) and Yulara
-2 783
Sandover Abolished. Included in Barkly (S) Bal, Central Desert (S) and MacDonnell (S)
-3 149
Tableland Abolished. Included in Barkly (S) Bal
Tanami Abolished. Included in MacDonnell (S) and Central Desert (S)
-2 947
Tapatjatjaka (CGC) Abolished. Included in MacDonnell (S)
Tennant Creek - Bal Abolished. Included in Barkly (S) Bal
-1 538
Wallace Rockhole (CGC) Abolished. Included in MacDonnell (S)
Watiyawanu (CGC) Abolished. Included in MacDonnell (S)
Yuendumu (CGC) Abolished. Included in Central Desert (S)
Barkly (S) Bal Created from all of Alpurrurulam (CGC), Elliott District (CGC), Tableland and Tennant Creek - Bal and parts of Sandover and Hanson
4 430
Central Desert (S) Created from all of Yuendumu (CGC), Anmatjere (CGC), Arltarlpilta (CGC) and Lajamanu (CGC) and parts of Hanson, Sandover, Tanami, Victoria and Hanson
4 644
MacDonnell (S) Created from all of Ltyentye Purte (CGC), Tapatjatjaka (CGC), Wallace Rockhole (CGC) and Watiyawanu (CGC) and parts of Petermann-Simpson, Sandover and Tanami
6 999
Yulara Created from part of Petermann-Simpson
1 186
Australian Capital Territory
Gungahlin-Hall - SSD Bal Lost to Forde
Forde Gained from Gungahlin-Hall - SSD Bal
Gungahlin Lost to Franklin and Harrison
-1 704
Franklin Gained from Gungahlin
Harrison Gained from Gungahlin
1 524
Bonner Created from part of Gungahlin-Hall - SSD Bal
Casey Created from part of Gungahlin-Hall - SSD Bal
Crace Created from part of Gungahlin-Hall - SSD Bal

- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)