Census of Population and Housing
In 2006, the Census of Population and Housing recorded 7,007 people whose main job was in the libraries and archives industry. The ABS definition of this industry includes people working for archives organisations but excludes people working for libraries located in educational institutions (e.g. school libraries) and specialist libraries (e.g. those located in government departments and within business organisations). The most common occupations within the industry were librarians (2,007 people), library assistants (1,431 people) and library technicians (1,378 people).
 |  |  |
Cultural occupations | Number | % |
Librarian | 2 007 | 28.6 |
Library assistant | 1 431 | 20.4 |
Library technician | 1 378 | 19.7 |
Archivist | 183 | 2.6 |
Other cultural occupations | 246 | 3.5 |
Total cultural occupations | 5 245 | 74.9 |
Other occupations(c) | 1 762 | 25.1 |
Total occupations | 7 007 | 100.0 |
(a) Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. |
(b) In their main job in the week before Census Night. |
(c) Includes not stated and inadequately described. |
Source: ABS data available on request, Census of Population and Housing, 2006. |
Many people working in library-related occupations are not working in the libraries and archives industry. The local government administration industry employed 1,937 librarians, higher education employed 1,885 librarians, and school education (primary and secondary) employed 406 librarians.
The 2006 Census of Population and Housing also counted 898 people whose main job in the week before the Census was as an archivist. This included not only those employed in the national and state archives, but also those working for government organisations, educational institutions, commercial organisations, etc.
10.11 PERSONS WITH LIBRARY-RELATED OCCUPATIONS(a)(b), By industry - 2006 |
Industry | Librarians | Library technicians | Library assistants | Archivists | Total |
Local government administration | 1 937 | 1 229 | 1 954 | 50 | 5 170 |
Libraries and archives | 2 008 | 1 378 | 1 430 | 182 | 4 998 |
Higher education | 1 885 | 967 | 1 458 | 67 | 4 377 |
Secondary education | 209 | 702 | 1 000 | 51 | 1 962 |
Primary education | 197 | 716 | 711 | 5 | 1 629 |
Technical and vocational education and training | 671 | 333 | 219 | 7 | 1 230 |
Combined primary and secondary education | 190 | 321 | 485 | 61 | 1 057 |
State government administration | 310 | 174 | 93 | 88 | 665 |
Legal services | 270 | 48 | 46 | 12 | 376 |
Hospitals | 226 | 70 | 27 | 10 | 333 |
Central government administration | 221 | 53 | 20 | 34 | 328 |
Scientific research services | 128 | 40 | 13 | 6 | 187 |
Other industries | 1 825 | 477 | 800 | 325 | 3 427 |
Total all industries | 10 077 | 6 508 | 8 256 | 898 | 25 739 |
(a) Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. |
(b) In their main job in the week before Census Night. |
Source: ABS data available on request, Census of Population and Housing, 2006. |
Work Survey
The ABS (2007b) publication
Work in Selected Culture and Leisure Activities (cat. no. 6281.0) provides another perspective on employment in libraries and archives. This survey provides information on the number of paid and unpaid workers in library or archive organisations. It also provides the number of people working in these organisations as part of a second job. However, it does not contain information on type of occupation.
The survey found that there were 108,500 people aged 15 years and over who had some work involvement in a library or archive in the 12 months to April 2007, of whom 35,900 (33%) received some payment.
Public Libraries Survey
The 2003-04 survey of Public Libraries (ABS 2005c) found that at the end of June 2004, there were 10,606 staff employed in local government libraries and 1,865 employed in national and state libraries.
Some 42% of those employed in local government libraries were permanent full-time workers while 76% of those employed in national and state libraries were permanent full-time workers.
 | Males | Females | Persons |
Permanent full-time | 793 | 3 678 | 4 472 |
Permanent part-time | 300 | 3 144 | 3 444 |
Casuals | 360 | 2 330 | 2 691 |
Total employees | 1 454 | 9 152 | 10 606 |
Permanent full-time | 480 | 937 | 1 417 |
Permanent part-time | 53 | 242 | 295 |
Casuals | 60 | 93 | 153 |
Total employees | 593 | 1 272 | 1 865 |
Source: Public Libraries, Australia, 2003-04 (cat. no. 8561.0). |
The same survey found that at the end of June 2004, there were 811 persons employed by the eight national and state archives in Australia, of which 471 (or 58%) were female.
The number of volunteers working for local government libraries in June 2004 totalled 6,315 people. The number of volunteers working in national and state libraries was 416 and there were 122 volunteers working in national and state archives.