4211.0 - Education and Training Newsletter, August 2011
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 16/08/2011
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Census Education Quality Studies Secretariat for the Strategic Cross-sectoral Data Committee Census Education Quality Studies In order to test the feasibility of the Australian Longitudinal Learning Database (ALLD) initiative, the ABS is currently undertaking a number of Census Quality Studies to examine the quality of data obtained from integrating education administrative datasets with the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. Preparations are underway for the studies that will integrate school enrolments data with data from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. Options for integration between the Australian Early Development Index and the Census are also being explored. In preparation for this work, the ABS is currently developing infrastructure for data integration and liaising with data custodians to determine data requirements for the studies. An update on the various Census Data Enhancement Projects across the ABS (including the Census Education Quality Studies) is available on the ABS website. Other feasibility work toward the ALLD initiative is being conducted in conjunction with this work for the National Schools Statistics and Early Childhood Education and Care collections to move towards a unit record based collection which in the future will allow integration of student data across multiple years with the ultimate goal of measuring student pathways and outcomes. For more information, email education.statistics@abs.gov.au Back to top Secretariat for the Strategic Cross-sectoral Data Committee The ABS provides the Secretariat for the Strategic Cross-sectoral Data Committee for Early Childhood, Education and Training (SCDC). The SCDC sits in the Standing Council committee structures both for early childhood, education and youth, and for tertiary education and employment. The SCDC has a particular focus on data sharing and data integration including the Australian Longitudinal Learning Database and supports a major program of statistical development across the education and training sectors, including the development of common data standards, definitions and metadata. The SCDC membership includes senior officials from government education and relevant information agencies. The Committee provides advice to Ministers via the Australian Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Senior Officials Committee (AEEYSOC) and the Data and performance Measurement Principal Committee (DPMPC) (for (National Senior Officials Committee (NSOC)). For more information, email scdcsecretariat@abs.gov.au Back to top Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.