In 2007-08, the amount of irrigation water used by Australia's 40 thousand irrigating agricultural businesses decreased 18% to 6,285 gigalitres. Of the 1,351 gigalitre decrease, New South Wales contributed 928 gigalitres, over two thirds of the decrease.
All states/territories reported decreased irrigation water use except Queensland, which remained steady. As a result, Queensland became the largest irrigating state, using 1,843 gigalitres for irrigation in 2007-08.
There were 2 thousand less irrigating agricultural businesses in Australia in 2007-08 than in 2006-07. Nationally, 72 thousand hectares less land was irrigated at a decreased application rate of 3.4 ML/ha.
1.2 IRRIGATION ACTIVITY, by State - 2003-04 to 2007-08 |
 |  |  | Agricultural businesses | Agricultural businesses irrigating | Area of agricultural holding | Area irrigated | Volume applied | Application rate |
 |  |  | no. | no. | ha | ha | ML | ML/ha |
TOTAL |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Old basis(a) |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  | 2003-04 | 130 526 | 40 400 | 440 109 578 | 2 402 137 | 10 441 515 | 4.3 |
 |  | 2004-05 | 129 934 | 35 244 | 445 148 804 | 2 404 864 | 10 084 596 | 4.2 |
 | New basis(b) |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  | 2005-06 | 154 681 | 44 826 | 434 924 814 | 2 546 318 | 10 737 364 | 4.2 |
 |  | 2006-07 | 150 817 | 41 787 | 425 449 341 | 1 922 982 | 7 636 194 | 4.0 |
 |  | 2007-08(c) | 140 704 | 39 637 | 417 287 562 | 1 850 937 | 6 284 799 | 3.4 |
2007-08 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | New basis(b) |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  | New South Wales(d) | 44 521 | 8 974 | 58 154 425 | 525 021 | 1 677 083 | 3.2 |
 |  | Victoria | 34 177 | 10 309 | 12 535 698 | 427 584 | 1 332 045 | 3.1 |
 |  | Queensland | 29 121 | 9 047 | 141 057 855 | 512 774 | 1 842 729 | 3.6 |
 |  | South Australia | 14 996 | 6 114 | 47 075 615 | 225 716 | 880 268 | 3.9 |
 |  | Western Australia | 13 084 | 2 720 | 93 034 706 | 63 364 | 284 878 | 4.5 |
 |  | Tasmania | 4 200 | 2 185 | 1 541 487 | 91 538 | 252 113 | 2.8 |
 |  | Northern Territory | 605 | 288 | ^63 887 775 | ^4 940 | ^15 683 | ^3.2 |
^ estimate has a relative standard error of 10% to less than 25% and should be used with caution |
(a) Derived using ABS-maintained frame. Refer to Explanatory Notes paragraph 9. |
(b) Derived using ABSBR. Refer to Explanatory Notes paragraph 9. |
(c) Totals include other pastures or crops not elsewhere classified. |
(d) Includes ACT. |
Victoria had the greatest number of irrigating agricultural businesses of the states/territories and accounted for 26% of Australia's irrigating businesses. Tasmania had the highest proportion of irrigators (52%) and irrigated agricultural land (6%) in 2007-08.
The area of irrigated agricultural land increased in most states/territories with exception of New South Wales, Victoria and the Northern Territory. These states/territories also recorded the largest drops in the volume of irrigation water applied from 2006-07 to 2007-08 (36%, 19% and 21% respectively).
Of Australia's irrigated agricultural land, 34% (624 thousand hectares) was irrigated by agricultural businesses with an area of holding of 100<500 hectares, and only 3% (54 thousand hectares) by businesses with up to 15 hectares. Only 92 businesses with 25 thousand hectares or more, irrigated their land, and of this, less than 1% of the area of holding was irrigated.
1.3 IRRIGATION ACTIVITY, Australia - by Area of holding - 2007-08 |
 |  | Agricultural businesses | Agricultural businesses irrigating | Area of agricultural holding | Area irrigated | Volume applied | Application rate |
 |  | no. | no. | ha | ha | ML | ML/ha |
Area of holding (ha) |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Total | 140 704 | 39 637 | 417 287 562 | 1 850 937 | 6 284 799 | 3.4 |
 | <15 | 14 689 | 9 293 | 96 293 | 53 880 | 191 206 | 3.5 |
 | 15<50 | 20 665 | 7 987 | 647 193 | 106 562 | 388 867 | 3.6 |
 | 50<100 | 17 118 | 5 518 | 1 224 722 | 139 691 | 449 582 | 3.2 |
 | 100<500 | 43 117 | 11 135 | 10 516 260 | 623 840 | 2 071 248 | 3.3 |
 | 500<1,000 | 15 445 | 2 628 | 10 867 143 | 269 329 | 865 735 | 3.2 |
 | 1,000<2,500 | 15 836 | 1 781 | 24 459 540 | 261 922 | 877 822 | 3.4 |
 | 2,500<25,000 | 11 749 | 1 202 | 78 792 106 | 340 742 | 1 192 575 | 3.5 |
 | 25,000> | 2 085 | ^92 | 290 684 306 | 54 970 | 247 763 | 4.5 |
^ estimate has a relative standard error of 10% to less than 25% and should be used with caution |
The Murray-Darling Basin accounted for 39% of Australia's irrigating agricultural businesses, 52% of all irrigated agricultural land and 50% of irrigation water applied in 2007-08.
The Queensland MDB region was the only MDB region to increase its volume of irrigation water applied in 2007-08 (up 34%). The region also irrigated 61% more agricultural land than in 2006-07, irrigating only 7% less land than in 2005-06.
1.4 IRRIGATION ACTIVITY, Murray-Darling Basin(a) - 2007-08 |
 | Agricultural businesses | Agricultural businesses irrigating | Area of agricultural holding | Area irrigated | Volume applied | Application rate |
 | no. | no. | ha | ha | ML | ML/ha |
MDB in NSW | 27 438 | 4 808 | 53 662 089 | 449 690 | 1 483 874 | 3.3 |
MDB in Vic. | 17 408 | 6 846 | 8 336 251 | 298 578 | 937 927 | 3.1 |
MDB in Qld | 7 472 | 1 506 | 29 198 463 | 136 656 | 405 615 | 3.0 |
MDB in SA | 4 269 | 2 320 | 4 364 951 | 72 828 | 314 243 | 4.3 |
MDB | 56 586 | 15 479 | 95 561 754 | 957 752 | 3 141 659 | 3.3 |
non MDB | 84 118 | 24 158 | 321 725 808 | 893 185 | 3 143 140 | 3.5 |
Australia | 140 704 | 39 637 | 417 287 562 | 1 850 937 | 6 284 799 | 3.4 |
(a) Based on NRM regions. Refer to Explanatory Notes paragraph 14. |