This publication presents results from an Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) survey of organisations involved in selected performing arts services. The survey was conducted in respect of the 2002-03 financial year.
This is the third time the ABS has conducted the music and theatre production component of the Performing Arts Survey and the second time for the performing arts festival component. Music and theatre production and performing arts festivals surveys were previously conducted in respect of the 1999-2000 financial year.
This survey has been designed to provide a measure of the financial and business structure of selected performing arts organisations operating in Australia. While comparisons are made between 2002-03 survey results and an earlier iteration of the survey of music and theatre production, the survey has not been designed to provide highly accurate estimates of change, so any comparisons made to the previous survey should be used with caution.
Historical comparisons are not made for performing arts festivals due to significant changes in scope since the conduct of the last survey in respect of 1999-2000. For further information, see paragraphs 23-25 of the Explanatory Notes.
Information about ABS activities in the field of service industries statistics is available from the Service Industries Statistics theme page on the ABS web site <>. To access the theme page, select 'Themes' from the menu on the home page.
The ABS welcomes comments and suggestions from users regarding future surveys of Service Industries. These comments should be addressed to the Director, Service Industries Business Statistics Centre, Australian Bureau of Statistics, GPO Box 2796Y, Melbourne, Vic. 3001.
Where figures have been rounded, discrepancies may occur between the sum of component items and the total.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Marie Apostolou on Melbourne (03) 9615 7465.
This publication presents results of the 2002-03 Performing Arts Survey. This survey was conducted by the ABS to provide a detailed measure of the performance and structure of music and theatre production organisations and performing arts festivals. The main focus of the survey was on understanding the composition of the income generated by these organisations, details of expenses incurred, the characteristics of performing arts genres, the nature of 'for profit' and 'not for profit' organisations involved in these activities, and the number of attendances and performances at these activities. A state dimension is also presented.
The survey scope for music and theatre production included employing organisations in Australia that generated their income predominantly from live theatrical or musical presentations (including concerts, opera, ballet or drama).
A performing arts festival was defined as a scheduled program of events combining a range of predominantly music, dance or drama based live performances or activities under a common festival theme (e.g. festival of dance, comedy festival, music festival).
The survey scope for performing arts festivals included festivals with a predominant or significant performing arts focus, operating for a duration of greater than two consecutive days, and open to the public. Festivals without a primary performing arts focus such as film, writers, food and flower festivals, and/or with a duration of two days or less were excluded from this survey.
Chapter 1 contains summary information about music and theatre production organisations and performing arts festivals. Chapter 2 presents statistics on music and theatre production organisations, while chapter 3 presents statistics on performing arts festivals.
For ease of reading, organisations that operated 'for profit' are referred to as for profits, while organisations that operated 'not for profit' are referred to as not for profits in this publication.
At the end of June 2003 there were 865 music and theatre production organisations operating in Australia, comprising 657 for profits and 208 not for profits. These organisations had employment of 7,842 persons. During the month of June 2003, these organisations had 2,548 volunteers assist with music and theatre productions.
During 2002-03 these organisations generated $622.1m in income and incurred $575.6m in expenses.
Operating profit/surplus before tax was $46.5m which represented an operating profit margin/surplus of 10.7%.
The industry value added (IVA) by music and theatre production organisations was $261.6m contributing the equivalent of 0.03% of Australian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2002-03.
During 2002-03 there were 53,241 paid performances and 14.2 million paid attendances at various music and theatre productions.
During 2002-03, there were 176 performing arts festivals operating for greater than two consecutive days. During the conduct of these festivals, 1,272 people were employed and there were 15,728 volunteers.
Performing arts festivals generated $88.5m in income and incurred $82.8m in expenses during 2002-03.
Operating profit/surplus before tax was $5.7m which represented an operating profit/surplus margin of 15.6%.
During 2002-03 there were 23,138 paid performances and 1.5 million paid attendances at these performing arts festivals across Australia.
Summary of Operations |
|  |
 |  |  | Music and
theatre production
|  |  |
 |  |  | For profit | Not for profit | Total | Performing arts festivals |  |
|  |
Organisations at end June | no. | 657 | 208 | 865 | 176 |  |
Employment(a) | no. | 2,983 | 4,859 | 7,842 | 1,272 |  |
Volunteers(b) | no. | ^352 | ^2,196 | 2,548 | 15,728 |  |
Income |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Box office takings/ticket sales | $m | 216.0 | 115.6 | 331.6 | 27.2 |  |
 | Government funding | $m | 2.2 | 132.2 | 134.4 | 27.0 |  |
 | Other | $m | 79.8 | 76.2 | 156.0 | 34.3 |  |
 | Total | $m | 298.1 | 324.0 | 622.1 | 88.5 |  |
Expenses |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Labour costs | $m | 59.8 | 154.1 | 213.9 | 12.8 |  |
 | Contract payments to performers/artists and artistic support | $m | 15.8 | 31.6 | 47.3 | 16.6 |  |
 | Rent, leasing and hiring | $m | ^38.6 | 24.2 | 62.8 | 9.0 |  |
 | Other | $m | 139.8 | 111.8 | 251.6 | 44.4 |  |
 | Total | $m | 254.0 | 321.6 | 575.6 | 82.8 |  |
Operating profit/surplus before tax | $m | 44.1 | ^2.3 | 46.5 | 5.7 |  |
Operating profit/surplus margin | % | 15.5 | ^1.6 | 10.7 | 15.6 |  |
Industry value added | $m | 104.2 | 157.5 | 261.6 | . . |  |
Productions with: |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Paid performances(c) | no. | 37,857 | 15,384 | 53,241 | 23,138 |  |
 | Paid attendances(d) | '000 | 9,600 | 4,630 | 14,230 | 1,508 |  |
|  |
^ estimate has a relative standard error of 10% to less than 25% and should be used with caution |
. . not applicable |
(a) Measured at the end of June for Music and theatre production, and during conduct of festival for Performing arts festivals. |
(b) Measured during the month of June for Music and theatre production, and during conduct of festival for Performing arts festivals. |
(c) Productions relate to headline acts only, support acts are excluded. Includes overseas performances. Caution should be exercised in using this data. For more information refer to paragraph 32 of the Explanatory Notes. |
(d) Includes overseas attendances. |