Victoria recorded 366,367 crime offences during the 2009-10 financial year, a decrease of 13,882 (-3.7%) from the previous financial year. Although overall offences decreased, offences against the person increased by 3.2% from 2008-09 to 2009-10. The majority (71.1%) of offences recorded in 2009-10 occurred against property.
Data were provided by Victoria Police as aggregates at LGA level. As such, it is not possible to derive exact data for Melbourne and Gippsland Statistical Divisions (SDs) as Yarra Ranges LGA is split across these two SDs. In this chapter, Yarra Ranges LGA as a whole has been included with the other LGAs in Melbourne SD to form a region referred to as Melbourne Metropolitan Area (MMA). Consequently, Gippsland SD as presented, here excludes Yarra Ranges (S) - Pt B Statistical Local Area (SLA).
Recorded crime offence rates (per 100,000 population) were calculated using estimated resident population as at 30 June 2009 published in Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2008-09 (cat. no. 3218.0). Mallee SD recorded the highest rate of crime offences - 8,255 per 100,000 population followed by Central Highlands SD (8,121) and Gippsland SD (7,275). The lowest rate was recorded in Western District SD (5,374), followed by Ovens-Murray (5,488) and Loddon (5,493).
Recorded crime offences, By Statistical Division
- 2009-10

Individual statutory and common law offences are grouped into 27 offence categories by Victoria Police. These categories are further subdivided into four general offence classes of 'crime against the person', 'crime against property', 'drug offences' and 'other crime'.
Crime against the person includes homicide, rape, sexual and related offences (non-rape), robbery, assault and abduction or kidnapping. The rate of crime offences against the person, per 100,000 of population, are presented in the chart below, for each Statistical Division.
Recorded Crime offences against the person, By Statistical Division
- 2009-10

The Victorian Police define crime against property as being arson, property damage, burglary (aggravated, residential or other), deception, handling of stolen goods, theft of or from a motor vehicle, shoplifting, theft of a bicycle or other theft. The rate of crime offences against property, per 100,000 of population, are presented in the chart below, for each Statistical Division.
Recorded crime offences against property, By Statistical Divisions
- 2009-10

Drug offences include the cultivation, manufacture, trafficking, possession or use of illegal drugs. The rate of drug offences, per 100,000 of population, are presented in the chart below, for each Statistical Division.
Recorded Drug Offences, By Statistical Division
- 2009-10

'Other offences' includes: going equipped to steal, offences in justice procedures, offences against regulated public order, weapons or explosives offences, harassment and offences related to behaviour in public.
Recorded crime - other offences, By Statistical Division
- 2009-10