Specific limitation or restriction |  |  |
Core activity limitations | Communication | Understanding family or friends |
 |  |  | Being understood by family or friends |
 |  |  | Understanding strangers |
 |  |  | Being understood by strangers |
 |  | Mobility | Getting into or out of a bed or chair |
 |  |  | Moving about usual place of residence |
 |  |  | Moving about a place away from usual residence |
 |  |  | Walking 200 metres |
 |  |  | Walking up and down stairs without a handrail |
 |  |  | Bending and picking up an object from the floor |
 |  |  | Using public transport |
 |  | Self-care | Showering or bathing |
 |  |  | Dressing |
 |  |  | Eating |
 |  |  | Toileting |
 |  |  | Bladder or bowel control |
Schooling or employment restrictions | Schooling | Unable to attend school |
 |  |  | Attends a special school |
 |  |  | Attends special classes at an ordinary school |
 |  |  | Needs at least one day a week off school on average |
 |  |  | Has difficulty at school |
 |  | Employment | Permanently unable to work |
 |  |  | Restricted in the type of work they can or could do |
 |  |  | Need, or would need, at least one day a week off work on average |
 |  |  | Restricted in the number of hours they can, or could, work |
 |  |  | Requires special equipment, modified work environment or special arrangements |
 |  |  | Needs ongoing assistance or supervision |
 |  |  | Would find it difficult to change jobs or get a preferred job |
 |  |  | Needs assistance from a disability job placement program or agency |
Without specific limitation or restriction |  |  |
Other activities | Health care | Foot care |
 |  | Taking medications or administering injections |
 |  |  | Dressing wounds |
 |  |  | Using medical machinery |
 |  |  | Manipulating muscles or limbs |
 |  | Reading or writing | Checking bills or bank statements |
 |  |  | Writing letters |
 |  |  | Filling in forms |
 |  | Transport | Going to places away from the usual place of residence |
 |  | Household chores | Washing |
 |  |  | Vacuuming |
 |  |  | Dusting |
 |  | Property maintenance | Changing light bulbs, taps, washers or car registration stickers |
 |  |  | Making minor home repairs |
 |  |  | Mowing lawns, watering, pruning shrubs, light weeding or planting |
 |  |  | Removing rubbish |
 |  | Meal preparation | Preparing ingredients |
 |  |  | Cooking food |
 |  | Cognition or emotion | Making friendships, interacting with others or maintaining relationships |
 |  |  | Coping with feelings or emotions |
 |  |  | Decision making or thinking through problems |