As noted in Agricultural Commodities, Australia, 2015-16 (cat. no. 7121.0), there was a change in scope for the 2015-16 Agricultural Census to all agricultural businesses with an Estimated Value of Agricultural Operations (EVAO) of $40,000 or greater. This is a change from previous ABS Rural Environment and Agricultural Collections, where a scope of EVAO of $5,000 or greater was used. While the change in scope better aligns with contemporary definitions of an agricultural business and reduces the overall reporting load for smaller agricultural businesses, estimates in the Water Account Australia were modelled to cover the full scope (EVAO of $5,000 and greater) for comparability with previous Water Account outputs.
This scope change also impacts on components of GVIAP. Where information is sourced from the Agricultural Census there will be an impact on estimates, including for crops and horticulture where production information is now only collected from businesses with a value of agricultural operations of $40,000 or greater.
Updated industry information for businesses responding to the 2015-16 Agricultural Census has been used to inform the ANZSIC allocation of water used by agriculture.
Estimates relating to water collected via rainwater tanks has not been included in this issue. These estimates are still considered experimental and sufficient data was not available to update estimates for this 2015-16 publication.
Water use and consumption estimates (including in-stream water use and water discharges) for the Mining and Manufacturing industries were modelled based on information from the ABS 2014-15 EWES, ABS 2015-16 EIS and Business Turnovers. Where water information from company websites and annual/environmental reports are available, these information were used.