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"Atherosclerosis" or "hardening of arteries" was not asked specifically or prompted for. However, respondents were free to report the condition in response to some of the running questions in Q230, in particular: : "...-( DO YOU HAVE) ANY CONDITIONS WHICH YOU HAVE HAD FOR A LONG TIME AND MAY HAVE ADJUSTED TO SUCH AS ARTHRITIS OR BACK PROBLEMS?"
"Atherosclerosis" or "hardening of arteries" was not asked specifically or prompted for. However, Q448 asked "DO YOU HAVE ANY (OTHER) CONDITIONS THAT HAVE LASTED OR ARE EXPECTED TO LAST FOR SIX MONTHS OR MORE, FOR EXAMPLE:" Prompt card 'H' was shown with a list of 23 conditions. Additional opportunity was given to report on other long term conditions from Q450 which asked: "DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER CONDITIONS SUCH AS THESE:" Prompt card "I" was shown which mentions:
"1 conditions that recur from time to time"
"2 conditions that have lasted for a long time and that you may have adjusted to"
"3 conditions which are under control because you are having long term treatment or taking medication".
Q450 asks respondents "..HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TOLD BY A DOCTOR OR NURSE YOU HAVE ANY HEART OR CIRCULATORY CONDITIONS?" as they are shown prompt card 15 which lists 13 conditions including "Hardening of the arteries, atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis".
Subsequent questions Q453-454 and Q457-458 establish whether the conditions are current and long-term.
ICD-9 codes
NHS codes
Respondents with the condition may have tended not to respond, or to respond as having heart/coronary disease.
Respondents with the condition may have tended not to respond, or to respond as having heart/coronary disease.
The heart and circulatory conditions module has a broader and more detailed range of conditions prompted for than in the previous surveys.
Estimate '000
Standardised rate per 1,000 population(a)
95 % confidence intervals on standardised rates
1.5 - 2.3
0.7 - 1.7
7.6 - 10.2
(a) Age standardised to 2001 NHS benchmark population.