Technical name: N/A
METeOR identifier: N/A
METeOR link: N/A
METeOR definition: N/A
Note: This is an additional data element. The Australian Statistical Geographic Standard (ASGS) is the new geographic standard that has replaced the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC).
Inclusions: For all children enrolled in a preschool program:
- The area of usual residence of the child's parent or guardian, with whom the child spends the majority of their time.
- The Mesh Block (MB) or Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1) of the post office box of the child's parent or guardian.
- The area of usual residence for any other parent or guardian of the child that is not the parent or guardian with whom the child spends the majority of their time.
- Children not enrolled in a preschool program.
Underlying Concepts
Concept: Area of usual residence - ASGS 2011 (Mesh Block/Statistical Area Level 1).
Nominal definition: Area of usual residence is the place where the child has lived or intends to live for six months or more from the reference date of the data collection, as represented by a geographical area code (SA1 or MB).
Operational definition: Area of usual residence is the place where the child's parent or guardian lives, as represented by a geographical area code (SA1 or MB). The address should be reported for the parent or guardian with whom the child spends the majority of their time. The child's parent or guardian must be asked to identify the address on the child's behalf and the service provider should record this on the child's enrolment record.
Supporting data elements: The following data elements are used to ascertain the child's area of usual residence and to geo-code an address to SA1 or MB for this data element:
Conceptual issues:
- By recording the geographic location of the child's 'area of usual residence', this information can be used to determine the socio-economic status of the area in which the child's parent or guardian lives. This information assists in the derivation of disadvantage status and the disaggregation of Indigenous children by geographic location.
- Area of usual residence - ASGS 2011 (Mesh Block/Statistical Area Level 1) also enables disaggregation of data by remoteness area.
- Area of usual residence - ASGS 2011 (Mesh Block/Statistical Area Level 1) is derived from the data elements outlined above. Jurisdictions wishing to undertake their own coding should contact the ABS for further information about the correct use of geography correspondences.
- Operationally, the area of usual residence of the child's parent or guardian are recorded as it is assumed that the child lives with the parent or guardian and it is infeasible for children in scope of this collection to self-report. It is also not operationally possible to confirm whether or not the address provided on the service provider records is the place that the parent or guardian has or intends to live for 6 months or more, in accordance with the nominal definition of 'usual residence'. Operationally, the Area of usual residence - ASGS 2011 (Mesh Block/Statistical Area Level 1) should reflect that of the parent or guardian with whom the child spends the majority of their time.
The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS)
- The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) has replaced the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC). For further information to assist you to move from the ASGC to the ASGS please refer to the ABS website at
Mesh Block (MB)
- Mesh Blocks (MBs) are the smallest geographic region in the ASGS and form the basis for the larger regions of the ASGS. There are approximately 347,000 MBs covering the whole of Australia without gaps or overlaps. They broadly identify land use such as residential, commercial, agricultural and parks etc. MBs are the building blocks for all the larger regions of the ASGS. As MBs are very small they can be combined together to accurately approximate a large range of other statistical regions.
Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1)
- The SA1s have been designed as the smallest unit for the release of Census data. SA1s are built from whole Mesh Blocks. Whole SA1s aggregate directly to SA2s in the Main Structure, as well as all of the Non-ABS Structures except Local Government Areas (LGAs) and Tourism Regions. SA1s do not cross state or territory borders. There are approximately 55,000 SA1s. In aggregate, they cover the whole of Australia without gaps or overlaps.
Standard Jurisdictional Output Categories
Classification Scheme: Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2011
Representation class: Code
Statistical Area Level 1
Data type: Number
Format: NNNNNNN, for example: 4052030
Maximum character length: 7
Supplementary values:
1949999 - New South Wales: unknown SA1
2949999 - Victoria: unknown SA1
3949999 - Queensland: unknown SA1
4949999 - South Australia: unknown SA1
5949999 - Western Australia: unknown SA1
6949999 - Tasmania: unknown SA1
7949999 - Northern Territory: unknown SA1
8949999 - Australian Capital Territory: unknown SA1
9949999 - Other Territories: unknown SA1
Mesh Block
Data type: Number
Format: NNNNNNNNNNN, for example: 40520305768
Maximum character length: 11
Supplementary values:
10000009899 - New South Wales: undefined MB
20000009899 - Victoria: undefined MB
30000009899 - Queensland: undefined MB
40000009899 - South Australia: undefined MB
50000009899 - Western Australia: undefined MB
60000009899 - Tasmania: undefined MB
70000009899 - Northern Territory: undefined MB
80000009899 - Australian Capital Territory: undefined MB
90000009899 - Other Territories: undefined MB
 | Edit specifications | Edit resolution |
1. | If field contains text. | Provide a valid SA1/MB code, otherwise amend to state/territory SA1/MB supplementary value. |
2. | If character length of SA1 field is greater than 7. | Provide a valid SA1 code, otherwise amend to state/territory SA1 unknown code. |
3. | If character length of MB field is greater than 11. | Provide a valid MB code, otherwise amend to state/territory MB undefined code. |
4. | If SA1 code is provided. | Ensure MB field is blank. |
5. | If MB code is provided. | Ensure SA1 field is blank. |
Guide for Use
Counting rules:
- Code the area of usual residence to SA1 or MB, using the child's parent or guardian's address line, postcode, suburb/town/locality name and state/territory, as obtained from the child's enrolment record.
- The place of usual residence of the parent or guardian with whom the child spends the majority of their time should be used for coding to SA1/MB. If the child spends 50% with one parent/guardian and 50% with the other, use the 1st residential address recorded.
- Include those children who are living outside of the jurisdiction's borders, if the child attends preschool within the jurisdiction. For example, a child living in Queanbeyan that attends a preschool within Canberra would be recorded within the ACT jurisdictional data set, not the NSW data set.
- For children boarding at a boarding school, report the SA1/MB code for the area of usual residence of the child's parent or guardian, not the boarding school.
- Jurisdictions are only required to provide one level of coding for this data element (i.e. either MB code or SA1 code).
Classification Definitions
Unknown SA1 codes
For use when the address of the child's parent or guardian is not known or incomplete, or where the jurisdiction is unable to accurately code to SA1. Where address information is unknown, the ABS requests that jurisdictions identify the reason for the unknown response and document any follow-up processes undertaken.
Undefined MB codes
For use when the address of the child's parent or guardian is not known or incomplete, or where the jurisdiction is unable to accurately code to MB. Where address information is unknown, the ABS requests that jurisdictions identify the reason for the unknown response and document any follow-up processes undertaken.
Other Information
Related aggregate data elements: No related aggregate data element.