Table 39: IO - ANZSIC 93 Concordances - Input-Output Industry Classification
This table shows the concordance (mapping) between Input Output Industry Groups (IOIG) and Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC).
IOIG codes are shown in column A and IOIG descriptors are shown in column B of the table.
ANZSIC codes are shown in column C and ANZSIC descriptors are shown in column D. The ANZSIC codes shown in this table are ANZSIC Class codes.
Column E indicates whether an IOIG is mapped to part of an ANZSIC class and indicated by 'p' against the mapping in this column.
For example, IOIG 0101, that is the Sheep industry is mapped to ANZSIC codes 0122 (Grain-Sheep and Grain-Beef Cattle Farming), 0123 (Sheep-Beef Cattle Farming) and 0124 (Sheep Farming).
ANZSIC class 0122 consists of units mainly engaged in growing cereal grains mixed with sheep farming or cereal grains mixed with beef cattle farming. IOIG 0101 can be mapped only to the units mainly engaged in growing grains mixed with sheep farming and for this reason the IOIG 0101 is mapped to part of this ANZSIC class.
Beef cattle (IOIG) is mapped to the other part of the ANZSIC class 0122, which can be seen in the mapping between IOIG 0103 and part of ANZSIC class 0122.