$ | dollars |
'000 | thousand |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory |
ARIA | Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia |
ASGC | Australian Standard Geographical Classification |
ASGS | Australian Statistical Geography Standard |
ASNA | Australian System of National Accounts |
ATO | Australian Taxation Office |
Aust. | Australia |
CAI | computer assisted interviewing |
cat. no. | catalogue number |
CATI | Computer assisted telephone interviewing |
CAPI | Computer assisted personal interviewing |
CCB | Child Care Benefit |
CCR | Child Care Rebate (formerly known as Child Care Tax Rebate: CCTR) |
CNOS | Canadian National Occupancy Standard |
COAG | Council of Australian Governments |
COICOP | Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CRA | Commonwealth Rent Assistance |
CURF | confidentialised unit record file |
DVA | Department of Veterans' Affairs (Australian Government ) |
excl. | excluding |
EDHI | Equivalised Disposable Household Income |
ERP | estimated resident population |
FBT | Fringe Benefits Tax |
FISIM | financial intermediation services indirectly measured |
FTB | Family Tax Benefit |
GFC | global financial crisis |
GFS | Government Finance Statistics |
GMI | gross mixed income |
GOS | gross operating surplus |
GST | goods and services tax |
HEC | Household Expenditure Classification |
HECS | Higher Education Contribution Scheme |
HELP | Higher Education Loan Program |
HES | Household Expenditure Survey |
HH | household |
IU | income unit |
LER | Low Economic Resource measure |
nec | not elsewhere classified |
nfd | not further defined |
no. | number |
NPISH | non-profit institutions serving households |
NSW | New South Wales |
NT | Northern Territory |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
PAYG | pay-as-you-go tax |
PBLCI | Pensioner and Beneficiary Living Cost Index |
PHIR | Private Health Insurance Rebate |
PPL | paid parental leave |
Qld | Queensland |
RBA | Reserve Bank of Australia |
RSE | relative standard error |
SA | South Australia |
SA1 | Statistical Area Level 1 |
SA4 | Statistical Area Level 4 |
SE | standard error |
SEIFA | Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas |
SIH | Survey of Income and Housing |
STIK | social transfers in kind |
Tas. | Tasmania |
Vic. | Victoria |
WA | Western Australia |