This includes 1 Excel workbook containing a total 6 tables being data cubes to the publication Criminal Courts, Australia, 2003-04 (cat. no. 4513.0), released on 11 February 2005. Data in each table are cross-classified by state and territory and are available for Higher and Magistrates' Courts.
1 HIGHER COURTS DEFENDANTS ADJUDICATED, Sex and principal offence by states and territories
2 MAGISTRATES' COURTS DEFENDANTS ADJUDICATED, Sex and principal offence by states and territories
3 HIGHER COURTS DEFENDANTS ADJUDICATED, Sex and age by states and territories
4 MAGISTRATES' COURTS DEFENDANTS ADJUDICATED, Sex and age by states and territories
5 HIGHER COURTS DEFENDANTS PROVEN GUILTY, Sex, principal offence and principal sentence by states and territories
6 MAGISTRATES' COURTS DEFENDANTS PROVEN GUILTY, Sex, principal offence and principal sentence by states and territories